Ti Wana

Tiriwā Hauora.
Tiriwā Hauora listings connect whānau with health providers, community support, and well-being services, making it easy to find the right support.
Quitline - Me Mutu
Ready to Stop?
If you are ready to quit smoking, Quitline can support you with a plan designed to help you beat the smoking addiction.
When things get tough, talking helps.
Free counselling service to help with life’s challenges.
OutLine Aotearoa
Confidential, free, all-ages Takatāpui - Rainbow support line, online chat & peer support
Are You Ok
Everyone deserves to feel safe in their relationships. At Are You OK we provide easy to access and relevant information for people seeking support for family violence in New Zealand.
Aoake te Rā - Bereaved by Suicide
Individuals and whānau bereaved by suicide at any stage in their life who would benefit from a brief therapeutic response focused on bereavement by suicide.
Helplines - extra listings
Free & confidential phone services where you can chat about what's on your mind and get some advice.