Aoake te Rā - Bereaved by Suicide
'Te rongoa tuturu o ngā tupuna ko te korero'
“The original medicine of our ancestors is to share our experiences with one another”
Aroha at the centre of all we do (aro hā – the breath to uplift). Responsiveness, compassion, uniqueness, authenticity and collaboration underpin our core beliefs and are amplified through Rangatiratanga, whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, mōhiotanga, maramatanga.
Aoake Te Rā does not provide a crisis service.
For immediate support - text/phone 1737
For an emergency - please phone 111
For online information visit the website After a Suicide
Refer now
Click here to refer via our online referral form, via email or leave a message on 0800 000 053
Bereaved by Suicide Service
We are a free service that provides support and manaaki to individuals and whānau who have lost someone to suicide.
Through a brief therapeutic response our network of Providers will support our hāpori (community) in honouring their grief and letting it find a place in their adjusted future.
Aoake te Rā means ‘a new sun rises' - the emerging light being a symbol of hope as whānau adapt to their loss. Our name was gifted by Hon. Peeni Henare, Minister for Whānau Ora, Associate for Māori Health and reflects the many voices of individuals, whānau and communities who have shared their knowledge and experience in creating a service that helps people navigate life after suicide loss.
Aoake te Rā
Aoake te Rā is a free brief therapeutic support service funded by the Ministry of Health. It has been informed by a co-design process including stakeholders, lived experience groups, clinical and cultural expertise in suicide prevention and postvention, and recent literature.
Aoake te Rā is part of Clinical Advisory Service Aotearoa (CASA). CASA is a Non-Government Organisation offering a broad range of knowledge, skills, clinical and/or lived experience in the areas of suicide prevention and postvention as well as broader areas of mental health and wellbeing.
CASA works alongside groups and organisations to support their strengths in working together for wellbeing. See for more information.
Aoake te Rā is here to assist the bereaved to adapt to their loss by suicide.
We are a growing service that has been developed using co-design with bereaved individuals, whānau and communities
We offer a service for those needing focused support following bereavement by suicide. The service is:
Brief therapeutic support (from 6 to 10 hours/sessions of support)
Available to all ages, at any time following loss
Available to anyone navigating loss by suicide (whānau, friends, colleagues, discoverer, communities)
Sessions can support individuals, couples, whānau groups or a combination
Available nationwide
Available face to face, online, phone or a combination
We are one of a range of services that support people bereaved by suicide (see diagram)
We aim to be a culturally responsive, safe and effective service
We work with identified local Providers (e.g. counsellors, psychologists and other health professionals) who we train in suicide bereavement.