Ti Wana

Tiriwā Hauora.
Tiriwā Hauora listings connect whānau with health providers, community support, and well-being services, making it easy to find the right support.
The Brotherhood
A network of good people providing practical donations for tāne in the Christchurch community.
Mental Health Foundation - Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora
The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand is a charity that works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health & wellbeing.
Canterbury Refugee Resettlement & Resources Centre
Healthy, dynamic and connected refugee background families participating in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Tautoko Hauroa
Tautoko Hauora is a service that provides support to individuals who are either not enrolled in a general practice or who are enrolled but not accessing their general practice teams as frequently as required.
The Women’s Centre
The Women’s Centre works with and for the well-being of all women, by assisting, encouraging and supporting them to make informed choices in their lives.
Te Whare Awhero - Hope House
Te Whare Awhero (Hope House), originally known as Hornby Presbyterian Community Trust, is motivated to bring hope to those who are facing life’s challenges, help empower them in achieving tino rangatiratanga and enrich the community with manaakitanga to positively influence a society where people can mutually uplift one another.
Problem Gambling Foundation Services
No matter where you are on your journey to recovery or how you are affected by gambling, we provide free counselling, advice and support.
Home and Family - Te Whare Manaaki Tangata
As New Zealand’s second oldest charity, our services result in measurable change to ensure all children are safe, cherished and their potential is nurtured.
Cancer Society - Te Kāhui Matepukupuku o Aotearoa
We offer a range of services to help people with cancer, from support nurses to drivers.
Waltham Community Cottage - Te Whare Roopu o Oterepo
Waltham Community Cottage is a registered charitable trust operating from a Christchurch City Council owned property.