Te Hā - Waitaha

Smokefree Support

Te Hā - Waitaha offers free stop smoking support to anyone in Canterbury
Te Hā - Waitaha has a hub in Christchurch with Quit Coaches based in Māori, Pasifika and rural community organisations across Canterbury. We run group clinics in various locations and also provide individual support.

Our Quit Coaches work with you and your whānau to find ways that can make quitting easier.

Specific support is available to you if you are Māori, Pacific, pregnant or living with a pregnant woman.

How we work

After you or your whānau register for support, a Quit Coach will contact you to discuss how we can best help. We will work with you to set a quit date, and provide ongoing support so you can stay smokefree.

We can tailor a smokefree programme that works for you after an initial face-to-face conversation. This programme will include more face-to-face sessions or follow-up by phone or both.

You’ll also be able to access FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy – patches, gum and lozenges – as well as customised support.

Breakfree to Smokefree

Smoking has been normalised, glamourised and made too convenient ever since it was introduced to Aotearoa - despite the harm it continues to cause.

That's why tobacco seems like a part of our daily life for the last 8 generations, and quitting smoking can be difficult.

Today we understand the reasons smoking is so addictive, and can challenge the role tobacco has played in our lives.

We've come a long way, and there is still more to go to break free of the addiction.

You have the power to take back your story. Breakfree to Smokefree.

Support services are available throughout Aotearoa to help people on their journey to quit smoking. Stop smoking services can provide:

  • help with personalised plans to quit smoking

  • coaching and support

  • free Nicotine Replacement Therapy

  • information about vaping or medication to quit

  • links to other support services

  • kaupapa Māori and Pacific services in some areas

  • in many cases, mobile visits, so professionals can visit you at your place of choice.

Find out about your local stop smoking service using the interactive map. If you're not sure what service is in your region, get in touch with us.


Tautoko Hauroa


The Women’s Centre