Tautoko Hauroa
Tautoko Hauora service can assist people to access primary health care and social services in the Waitaha Canterbury region
Contact us
You can reach the Tautoko Hauora team at Pegasus on 0800 99 22 99 or by email.
24 Hour Surgery
Pegasus Health
Tautoko Hauora is a service that provides support to individuals who are either not enrolled in a general practice or who are enrolled but not accessing their general practice teams as frequently as required.
Our dedicated kaitautoko (support workers) from the Tautoko Hauora service can assist people to access primary health care and social services in the Waitaha Canterbury region. Kaitautoko are a mobile workforce capable of conducting home and community visits when deemed appropriate.
An assessment of tangata whai ora (person seeking wellness) and a plan around health and wellbeing will be carried out. Tautoko Hauora service provides a one-off brief to medium term intervention and referrals can be made to other health services as needed.
Kaitautoko work with Māori, Pacific peoples, CALD, Youth, Rainbow, low income, and those with disabilities. They work with people who are currently enrolled with a Pegasus general practice and those not enrolled, but willing to enrol, in a Pegasus practice.
Please note: Tautoko Hauora is not an emergency service.
Make a referral to the Tautoko Hauora Service
Referrals can be made by general practices and health professionals to a team based at Pegasus House. From there, referrals are allocated to partner providers who employ kaitautoko. Patients can also self-refer to the service.
Complete the online referral form below.
If you would prefer, you can download and print a Referral Form (PDF, 115 KB) and scan the completed form back to TautokoHauora@pegasus.health.nz. You can also make a referral through ERMS if you have access to that system.