Canterbury Refugee Resettlement & Resources Centre

Healthy, dynamic and connected refugee background families participating in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

  • It is imperative to us that we work cooperatively and harmoniously in all our endeavours. We firmly believe that refugees should be supported to find greater self-determination, while operating under the principle that every individual should have an equal role and opportunity in society.

    At the CRRRC, we believe in:

    • Respect for human rights

    • Respect for difference

    • Truthfulness

    • Transparency

    • Partnership

    • Empowerment

    • Inclusive

    • Integrity

    • Voluntarism

    • Fun and Celebration

    • Objective

  • The Canterbury Refugee Resettlement and Resources Centre offers a free and confidential Drop-In Centre for those who need guidance or help about the resettlement issues. The service is an independent consultation and as such does not provide legal advice.

    Phone number: (03) 377 2544 or (03) 377 2538


About Canterbury Refugee Centre

The Canterbury Refugee Resettlement and Resources Centre (CRRRC) was founded in Christchurch as an incorporated society under New Zealand law in 2008 and was accredited for the Level 3 Social Sector Accreditation Standard. The CRRRC was established to provide a forum for former refugee groups, with a remit to advance a development agenda that was consistent with refugee priorities and the objectives of the resettlement agenda outlined by Immigration New Zealand.

At the outset, the founding members recognised the value that the views and endeavours that the refugee background people bring with themselves. The CRRRC aims to promote the future of former refugee background communities through the strong voice of its people by providing a forum. It is also committed in promoting partnership and collaboration with a wide range of civic organisations and stakeholders committing to effectively support and deliver the resettlement outcomes for refugees. In the first five years of operation, the CRRRC established the role of the council as advocacy, information brokerage, research, community development, relationship building, and communication and cross cultural education.

Independent of political or religious affiliations, the CRRRC is an autonomous, stand-alone, non-governmental, and not-for-profit organisation. The council represents diverse refugee ethnic communities in their needs in the wider Canterbury region. Our members come from different background with a similar vision; that is of settling in New Zealand.

What We Do

The Canterbury Refugee Resettlement and Resources Centre advocates on behalf of the refugee communities resettled in the Canterbury area. As the first contact point for agencies aiming to liaise with the wider community or individuals of refugee background, we work to disseminate relevant information, community skills, and knowledge through a grassroots approach to consultative communication.

The CRRRC aims to bridge the gap between the refugee background people of all ages by creating a more harmonious, more welcoming, inclusive environment through building a shared respect, by connecting our common experiences and celebrating our differences.


We work harmoniously with all ethnic communities; local and central Government and non-profit organisations in the best interest of refugee resettlement.


We advocate and support refugee background youths in their daily lives. We believe that youth are at the forefront of change, therefore, we strengthen the capacity of the youth in order to equip them to be participate fully in New Zealand life.


We serve as a networking, information exchange and advocacy group for the refugee community (with wider consultation when required).


We ensure an independent refugee voice that respects all aspects of New Zealand refugee policy and practice (legal, social, economic and cultural) fully respect international law and the human rights of refugees.


We seek to strengthen and build the capacity of the Canterbury based refugee community. In the past we have advocated and supported individuals in their daily lives; this entails being responsive and resolving our community issues like housing, health, family violence, benefit entitlements and so forth.


We promote public awareness and greater understanding of refugee issues in our host community.


We act as mediators between agencies, schools, the Police and the refugee individuals ensuring cultural understanding.


Mental Health Foundation - Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora


Tautoko Hauroa