Problem Gambling Foundation Services

No Matter where you are on your journey, we can help.

  • PGF Services shares the vision of PGF Group: Aotearoa is a socially just nation where all people flourish.

    Our mission at PGF Services is preventing and reducing gambling harm for all tangata in Aotearoa with integrity, mana and innovative solutions.

    • Manaakitanga

      We nurture an environment where human potential can be realised for all.

    • Kaitiakitanga

      We undertake actions that honour, protect and develop the people of Aotearoa, New Zealand.

    • Whanaungatanga

      We build and uphold meaningful connections that celebrate inclusivity and diversity.

    • Āwhinatanga

      We engage and embrace all people to inspire hope and trust in their future.

    • Huhuatanga

      We strive for excellence in all that we do, aiming to surpass expectations.

  • Contact us

    The Loft, Level 1, Eastgate Shopping Centre,
    20 Buckleys Rd, Linwood, Christchurch 8062


How to reach us | Toro Mai Tō Ringa

We provide professional, confidential, and free counselling for those who feel they may be experiencing harm from gambling. Whether you are directly affected by your own gambling, or are affected by someone else’s gambling, we’re here to help. We also provide education, support groups, and help you with self-exclusion from gambling venues.

Our experienced practitioners are here to guide you every step of the way. With their support, what might seem like small steps can turn into leaps and bounds. They will help you develop the skills and tools you need to reach your goals, and the best part is, it's all free. We know that support is key so you’re also welcome to bring whānau or a support person to your appointment.

Our approach is to empower and encourage individuals and whānau towards wellbeing, and to be mana enhancing in all we do, caring for the spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual needs of people and communities. 

We are always seeking feedback to improve our service and to get you to where you want to be on your journey.

No matter where you are on your journey to recovery or how you are affected by gambling, we provide free counselling, advice and support.

We’re here to help | Manaaki Tāngata

At PGF Services we know it’s sometimes hard to ask for help, but if gambling is impacting your life, or the life of someone you care about, you don’t have to struggle alone.

We have duty counsellors available by phone, email, text, or live chat between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday to answer your questions and provide immediate support.

We provide:

  • Free, professional, and confidential counselling for gamblers and families affected by someone’s gambling

  • Education and support groups

  • Culturally appropriate counselling

  • Assistance with self-exclusion from places that provide gambling.

  • Our experienced counsellors are there to provide guidance. They will help you to achieve goals, learn new skills, provide information on the harms from gambling and help reduce your chances of gambling relapse. You can bring a support person and whānau are always welcome in our counselling sessions.

Our approach in counselling sessions is to empower and encourage individuals and whānau towards wellbeing, and to be mana enhancing in all we do, caring for the spiritual emotional, physical and intellectual needs of people and communities. We actively seek your feedback so that we can best meet your needs and aspirations.

Some things you can do today - He Mea Ka Taea E Koe I Tēnei Rā

Only spend what you can afford.

Remember that you are more likely to lose the money rather than win it. Put your rent, food and bills aside first, then work out how much you have spare and if you want to risk losing it.

Set your limits for time and money before you go.

Set boundaries to prevent spending more or staying longer. These may include leaving your eftpos card at home, setting your alarm on your phone, or paying all your bills first.

Try not to gamble when you are angry or upset.

Emotions like anger, sadness or a feeling of general stress make it more difficult to make clear decisions. This can lead to gambling more than you can afford and make you feel worse. If you are feeling low before you start, gambling won’t make you feel better.

Maintain physical and emotional wellbeing.

Take time for yourself in activities you enjoy that aren’t gambling related. Set some small achievable goals that enhance your sense of wellbeing. These may be to increase your exercise or improve your nutrition, or they may be spending more time with friends that support you and you care about.

If gambling interferes with your personal relationships.

If you spend too much time or money gambling you may miss out on other important events or activities, including spending time with the people you care about. Keep gambling balanced with other things you enjoy and other social activities. Some people used to have other activities but have dropped them as they have gambled more. Plan to go back to or start one other new activity this week.

Gambling is not the answer to any problem.

Gambling won’t make you money or fix something else in your life you are not happy with. Over time the gambling product or place always wins. Any other problems you have will probably only be made worse if you use gambling as a way to get away from them.

Emergency Help

In crisis? - We're here to help right away.

  1. If this is an emergency, phone 111 if you feel you, or someone else, is at risk of harm.

  2. Or go to your nearest hospital emergency department (ED).

  3. Or phone your local Mental Health Crisis Team (CATT Team). Find yours at

For non-urgent support

Free phone 0800 664 262. We offer immediate support between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Help & advice

We offer an array of services


The first appointment is usually between 1 to 1 ½ hours. At this appointment you and your counsellor will talk confidentially and find out how you can best work together.

Peer & Cultural Support

We have friendly support workers as part of our team who are dedicated to making your journey as easy and as comfortable as possible.

Public Health

We have a dedicated health promotion team who work in the community to raise awareness of gambling harm.

Professional referrals

Please use this form if you are a GP or professional and wish to refer a person to PGF Services.


Te Whare Awhero - Hope House


Home and Family - Te Whare Manaaki Tangata