Quitline - Me Mutu

Ready to Stop?

If you are ready to quit smoking, Quitline can support you with a plan designed to help you beat the smoking addiction.

Research has shown that people who use Quitline are more likely to successfully quit than those who go it alone. We'll give you free, ongoing support until you're a non-smoker. We're here to support you to beat your smoking addiction.

Call or textQuitline for free advice and non-judgemental support to quit smoking.

An advisor will talk you through the three parts of the smoking addiction - chemical, emotional and habitual. Through Quitline you can order subsidized nicotine patches, gum or lozenges - $5 for a 4 week supply (with the option of a free repeat). We'll also send you a Quit Pack with resources to support you.

If you've contacted us before and had a relapse feel free to call or text us again. We're here to help no matter where you are on your journey to becoming smokefree.

Many people want to quit, but have reasons they think they can’t. Here are some common blocks and other ways ofthinking about these things.

Smoking’s like a friend - I can’t cope without it.

Are you sure?

  • Smoking is a ‘friend’ that kills you.

  • You could look for different ways to cope with stress.

  • You could knock back your cravings with nicotine patches, gum or lozenges.

  • Many people who quit say they feel a huge sense of freedom afterwards.

I enjoy smoking.

Do you really?

  • Most smokers can’t actually say why they enjoy smoking. Many also feel they would be happier if they quit.

  • Nicotine is such an addictive substance, it tricks your brain into thinking you want to smoke.

  • The good news is that you can re-train your brain so you don’t feel like smoking any more.

It’s my life and my choice.


  • With any choice, it’s good to weigh up pros and cons. Try listing yours.

  • For example, you can choose to smoke or to have better health, more money and be a great example for friends andfamily.

I’m harming only myself.

Not true!

  • Secondhand smoke contains every poisonous chemical that smokers inhale.

  • Secondhand smoke kills around 350 New Zealanders every year.

  • Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to develop asthma, coughs and ear infections.

I’ll put on weight if I quit.

Not necessarily.

  • Cigarettes are deliberately sweetened – that’s why some quitters get sugar cravings.

  • Reach for sugar-free gum, carrot and celery sticks or fruit.

  • If you do put on some weight, research shows you are likely to lose it again when your body adjusts to you notsmoking.

  • Quitting means you’ll feel fitter and more ready for physical activity.

I’ve tried quitting - it’s too hard.


  • Most people try more than once before they succeed. Starting to smoke again doesn’t mean you’ve failed or thatyou should give up trying.

  • When you begin any new challenge, you learn from mistakes and keep going.

  • Believe in yourself. You’ve done other hard things and succeeded.

All my friends/family smoke.


  • While you may feel you’ll be the odd one out, smoking isn’t what makes you feel close to the people you like –or why people like you.

  • Once you quit, and the cravings pass, you will be able to enjoy friends and family as you did before – even ifsome of them are smoking.

If you'd like more information about the reasons to quit, check out our Time to Quit booklet.It's full of great information that could help you make the decision to quit for good.

Sign up

  • Call Quitline on 0800 778 778 or text 4006 for free advice and non-judgmental support to quit smoking.

    A Quitline Advisor will help to create a quit smoking plan that works for you. The Advisor will help you understand the smoking addiction – you will identify the reasons why you smoke and come up with new ways to cope. You’ll get tips and suggestions on how to beat cravings.

    Many Advisors are ex-smokers themselves and know what quitting is like. We’ll also send you a free Quit Pack with helpful info and a Quit Card. Quit Cards can be taken to your local pharmacy and redeemed to get subsidised nicotine patches, gum and lozenges. We’ll also follow up to see how you are getting on.

    If you've contacted us before and started smoking again, feel free to call or text again. We're here to help no matter where you are on your journey to becoming smoke-free.

    Open 24 hours a day

    We know that cravings can strike at any time of the day or night, so you can contact us 24/7. If you need support during the times you normally smoke or just need help setting a plan for your quitting journey, give us a call on 0800 778 778 or text us on 4006. You can also access our supportive blogging community at any time at community.

    We have interpreter services

    If your first language is not English, we can arrange an interpreter to help support you to quit smoking.

    To access an interpreter:

    1. Call Quitline on 0800 778 778

    2. When the call is answered, let us know you'd like an interpreter and the language you wish to speak in

    3. It may take several minutes before an interpreter is available

    4. Once the interpreter is available, theQuitline support call can begin

    5. All subsequent support calls can be delivered with an interpreter

    The Relay service is available for People with communication disabilities.

  • As part of our quit smoking programme we'll send you free texts to support you while you are quitting. The texts will help boost your motivation and offer advice and tips.

    The text service runs for up to twelve months and is suitable for people of any age. If your language preference is Māori we can send you texts in Te Reo. This service is only available to people living in New Zealand, and global roaming charges may also apply if you travel outside the country.

    To sign up for a quit programme and receive motivational texts either sign up online now call us on 0800 778 778 or text us FREE on 4006.

  • As part of our quit smoking programme we'll send you free texts to support you while you are quitting. The texts will help boost your motivation and offer advice and tips.

    The text service runs for up to twelve months and is suitable for people of any age. If your language preference is Māori we can send you texts in Te Reo. This service is only available to people living in New Zealand, and global roaming charges may also apply if you travel outside the country.

    To sign up for a quit programme and receive motivational texts either sign up online now call us on 0800 778 778 or text us FREE on 4006.

  • As well as Quitline's phone, text and online support, there are many face-to-face organisations you can meet who can help you quit smoking. Talk to one of our Advisors on 0800 778 778 (or by texting 4006) to find a local one that can help you or click here for a really good list of what’s available and where they are.

    Ask your doctor or health care professional

    You can talk to your doctor or health care professional about help for quitting smoking. Your doctor can advise you on quitting medication, including Zyban and Varenicline Pfizer.

    You can find additional support services on our Links page.

  • As well as Quitline's phone, text and online support, there are many face-to-face organisations you can meet who can help you quit smoking. Talk to one of our Advisors on 0800 778 778 (or by texting 4006) to find a local one that can help you or click here for a really good list of what’s available and where they are.

    Ask your doctor or health care professional

    You can talk to your doctor or health care professional about help for quitting smoking. Your doctor can advise you on quitting medication, including Zyban and Varenicline Pfizer.

    You can find additional support services on our Links page.

  • As well as Quitline's phone, text and online support, there are many face-to-face organisations you can meet who can help you quit smoking. Talk to one of our Advisors on 0800 778 778 (or by texting 4006) to find a local one that can help you or click here for a really good list of what’s available and where they are.

    Ask your doctor or health care professional

    You can talk to your doctor or health care professional about help for quitting smoking. Your doctor can advise you on quitting medication, including Zyban and Varenicline Pfizer.

    You can find additional support services on our Links page.

  • Through Quitline, you can get nicotine patches, gums or lozenges for free (Not applicable for Quit Vaping programme).

    How Patches, Gum and Lozenges Work

    Using patches, gum and lozenges for eight weeks can double your chances of quitting. They will reduce your cigarette cravings without damaging your health. They work by replacing some of the nicotine you usually get from cigarettes or tobacco.

    Medical Conditions

    Some medical conditions require specialist advice on using nicotine patches, gum and lozenges. If any of the following applies to you, please call Quitline:

    • You are pregnant or breastfeeding

    • You are a diabetic on insulin

    • You are taking medication for a mental health condition

    • You weigh less than 45 kilos (7 stone)

    • You have had a heart attack, stroke or severe angina in the last two weeks.

    How To Order

    You can order subsidised nicotine patches, gum and lozenges by calling us on 0800 778 778, texting us on 4006 or online when you register. We’ll send you a Quitcard to take to redeem at your local pharmacy.


    A 4-week supply of one of these products with the option of a repeat is provided to you for free.

    To see how to use patches, gum and lozenges watch these clips:

    How to use gum

    • The gum shouldn’t be chewed like normal gum or you might get hiccups or a sore stomach and the gum won’t work properly to help your cravings.

    • Once you start using gum, do not smoke.

    • Instead, bite down 1-2 times to release the hot, peppery taste and then ‘park’ it between your gums and cheek to release the nicotine. Some people don’t like the taste at first, but you do get used to it.

    • Repeat this 5-6 times over a 30 minute period.

    • Do not drink when using the gum, or for up to 15 minutes afterwards because you can also get a sore stomach and hiccups this way. The gum also won’t work properly help your cravings.

    • Most people use 8-12 pieces in a 24 hour period. If you need more you can use up to 25 pieces of 2mg gum and 15 pieces of 4mg gum within a 24 hour period.

    • Throw the gum away after 30 minutes, safely out of the reach of children and pets.

    How to use lozenges

    • Once you start using lozenges, do not smoke.

    • The lozenge shouldn’t be sucked like a normal lozenge or the nicotine won’t work properly and you will get hiccups or a sore stomach.

    • Instead, suck enough to release the hot, peppery flavour and then ‘park’ it between your gums and cheek to release the nicotine. Some people don’t like the taste at first, but you do get used to it.

    • Repeat this 5-6 times over a 30 minute period.

    • Do not drink when using the lozenge, or for up to 15 minutes afterwards because you can also get a sore stomach and hiccups this way. The lozenge also won’t work properly help your cravings.

    • Most people use 8-12 pieces in a 24 hour period.

    • Throw the lozenge away after 30 minutes, safely out of the reach of children and pets.

    How to use patches

    • Once you start using patches, do not smoke.

    • Use a new patch, and a new area of skin, each day and leave the patch on for 24 hours. Don't remove or reapply the patch.

    • Press firmly in place with your palm and hold for 20 seconds. If patches fail to stick properly, talk to Quitline on 0800 778 778 or text us on 4006.

    • Don't cut patches.

    • Place on smooth, clean, dry skin (where no perfumes or lotions have been applied)

    • Wash your hands after handling the patch.

    • If you have vivid dreams when sleeping, remove the patch before you go to bed but apply a new one first thing in the morning.

    • Throw the patch away safely out of the reach of children and pets.

    Side effects for patches, gum and lozenges

    Patches, gum and lozenges are very safe, and serious side effects are rare.

    Sometimes patches can cause a slight reddening and itching of the skin. This is less likely if you change the area you apply the patch to on a daily basis. Also remember to apply the patch to clean, dry skin that does not have lotion or perfume on it. If the patch comes off try medical tape.

    Gum and lozenges might give you a slightly irritated mouth and throat and more saliva (spit) than usual. If you chew or suck the gum or lozenges too often, you might swallow too much nicotine and this can cause wind, hiccups and indigestion.

    If you experience any side effects, call Quitline on 0800 778 778 (or by texting 4006) or see your pharmacist.

    Weaning off/Cutting down on nicotine

    If you haven't been smoking during the first eight weeks, congratulations! You are now smokefree and you may want to try stopping patches/gum/lozenges as well.Research shows that it is best to just stop using patches/gum/lozenges altogether or order some more of the same dose rather than cut down.

    There are three parts of an addiction and the patches/gum/lozenges help you control the nicotine part of an addiction. If you want to stop relying on nicotine it’s best to stop taking gum/patches/lozenges altogether and be prepared for any withdrawal symptoms you may have. To find out more about the three parts of an addiction, take our "What's stopping you" quiz. If you have any questions, or if you really think you would like to wean off by using a lower dose please call us on 0800 778 778 or text us FREE on 4006.

    A way to cope with the emotion and habit associated with smoking is to fill out the Tear-out Diary in The Quit Book - this is a free resource sent to everyone who signs up with Quitline.

    Sign up

  • Here are some of the best tips we know for quitting. You may be able to add to this list. Your top tips are those that work best for you. Enjoy your new smokefree life!

    • Change your routines and habits

    • Try nicotine patches, gum and lozenges

    • Avoid situations that make you want to smoke

    • Try to reduce some of the stresses in your life

    • Make your home smokefree and get rid of ashtrays

    • Wash all your 'smoky' clothes and furnishings

    • Clean your car and keep it smokefree

    • Cut down on alcohol

    • Brush your teeth with a fresh minty toothpaste

    • Book into your dentist to have your teeth cleaned

    • Do things you enjoy - give yourself treats

    • Keep a drink bottle filled with water with you

    • Phone a friend for support

    • Take time out for yourself

    • Put up a list of reasons you quit somewhere you can see it

    • Plan what to do when you go where there might be smokers– eg, chew gum

    • Practise saying "I don't smoke", "I am a non-smoker", or "I'm not smoking anymore"

    • Tell yourself it doesn't matter what other people think

    • Spend time with non-smokers or ex-smokers

    • Go for a walk when you are stressed or upset

    • Reward yourself with a treat from some of the money you've saved

    • Remember the 4 Ds if you get cravings – Delay, Drink water, Deep breathe, Do something else

    • Keep yourself busy

    • Learn about relaxation – it's about "letting go"

    • Share your story and get support from others on the Quit Blogs

    • Call Quitline on 0800 778 778 or text us on 4006

    Know your triggers

    If you understand what triggers your cravings you're better equipped to beat them. Check out the following info sheet for some simple strategies to combat your smoking triggers: Know your smoking triggers

    Plan for challenging times

    If you are anticipating some challenging situations, try carrying some of the following things with you:

    • a list of the reasons you quit

    • a list of rewards to give yourself

    • some 'nibbles' – fruit, raw vegetables, etc

    • a water bottle

    • a notebook or scribble pad for writing or drawing

    • phone numbers of supportive friends

    • Quitline's phone number 0800 778 778, text number 4006 and website address www.quit.org.nz

    For more tips you can check out our Facebook album - Tips to help you quit

    Sign up


Safe to Talk - Kōrero Mai Ka Ora

