Safe to Talk - Kōrero Mai Ka Ora

Nau mai, Haere mai, Kōrero mai
Sexual Harm, do you want to talk?

We’re here for you. We’ll listen. We’ll find the support you need, and we won’t judge.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari he toa takitini.
My strength is not the strength of one. It is the strength of many.

Hou atu mā te tomokanga ki te rongomau

He tohu Te Tomokanga o tīmatanga o tō hōkai. E miramira ana i te ara whakamua ki ngā rangi e tū mai nei Ko ngā manu he tohu Kaitiaki, e rite ana, ki te ārahi, ki te tiaki i a koe i tō hōkai whakaora. Ko te manu te tohu o te ora.

Enter the gateway to peace

Te Tomokanga, the archway, represents the beginning of a journey ahead.  It highlights a way forward to the future. Ngā Manu, the birds, represent the guardians or ngā Kaitiaki, ready to guide and protect you along the pathway towards your healing.  The birds signal the sign of wellbeing - Ko ngā manu te tohu kia mōhio ai tātau he oranga kei mua.

Sexual harm happens in all of our communities. This service is here for anyone. 

You might want to contact us if you:

  • Have been sexually harmed or are worried about something that’s happened

  • Want to help someone

  • Are concerned about your own thoughts or about harming someone

  • Want information about sexual harm

We offer free confidential contact with a trained specialist. Here are some of the ways we can help.

  • We provide contact with a trained specialist at any time, day or night, seven days a week

  • Answers to questions about sexual harm

  • Information about medical, emotional, and behavioural issues related to harmful experiences

  • Explanations of what you might expect if you report to the Police

  • Referral to specialists in your area

  • Information for family and friends wanting to help someone

  • Information, and contact with a specialist, for people who are worried about their own sexually harmful thoughts or behavior.

He maha ngā āhuatanga rerekē o te mahi whakaito

Ka pāngia ana tētahi e te wheakotanga taitōkai kāore i hiahiatia,, kua uruhia rānei ki tētehi mahinga tōkai e tētehi atu tangata, he wheakoranga mahi whakaito tōna

Ka taea mā ngā ara maha te mahi whakaito te puta:

  • Tēnā pea he pānga ā-tinana, he pānga ā-ipurangi rānei

  • Tēnā pea kotahi te pānga, e maha kē ngā wā rānei e rongo ai i tēnei āhuatanga

  • Tēnā pea kotahi, e rua e toru neke atu rānei ngā tāngata i rongo/pāngia

He rerekē ngā hua o te mahi whakaito ki tēnā, ki tēnā.

Mehemea kua pāngia kētia koe e te mahi whakaito, kei konei mātou ki te āwhina,

Mehemea e rangirua ana koe kua pāngia te mahi whakaito, kāore rānei,, kei kōnei mātou ki te āwhina

Kei konei ō mātou mātanga hei whakapānga mōu i ngā wā katoa

Sexual harm has lots of different forms

When someone has a sexual experience they don't want, or are forced into any kind of sexual act by another person, they’ve experienced sexual harm. 

Sexual harm can happen in lots of different ways:

  • It might involve physical contact or it could be online.

  • It might have happened once or maybe lots of times. 

  • It might involve one, two, or more people. 

The effects of sexual harm are different for everyone.

If you’ve been affected in any way by sexual harm, we’re here to help.

If you're unsure if what's happened to you is sexual harm, we're here to help.

Our trained specialists are available for you to contact at any time.

Safe to talk can help with

  • contact with a trained specialist at any time, day or night, seven days a week

  • answers to questions about sexual harm

  • information about medical, emotional, and behavioural issues related to harmful experiences

  • explanations of what you might expect if you report to the Police

  • referral to specialists in your area

  • information for family and friends wanting to help someone

  • information and contact with a specialist if you are worried about your own sexually harmful thoughts or behaviour

  • information on or connection/referral to medical practitioners for medical care or forensic medical examination. This can happen without police involvement or while they are making up their minds about whether to contact police.

    Need help now? Trained specialists 24/7. Free, Confidential, Non-judgemental

    Our trained specialists are available for you to contact when you’re ready to get in touch.

    You can get in touch online via webchat, or phone us toll free. You can also text or email us.

    All contact between you and the specialist is private and confidential. You can also choose to stay anonymous.

    Your identity and contact information will not be given to anyone else, unless we're concerned about your immediate safety, or someone else's. In that case, we'll need to call emergency services.

    For more information read our privacy policy.

    You can end your contact with us at any time you choose.

    If you want to get in touch we’re available to help now.

    E pai ana kia toro atu

    Me mōhio koe, ehara tō tū i te tū  takitahi, engari kē he tū takitini, nā reira me kimi āwhina. Me toro ki tētahi tangata pono ki a koe o tō whānau, he kaumātua, he hoa, tō rata rānei. Ka taea hoki tō toro mai ki a mātau o Kōrero Mai Ka Ora.

    It’s OK to reach out

    It’s important for you to know that you are not alone and that it’s ok to reach out. You can reach out to a trusted member of your whānau, a kaumātua, a friend or your doctor. You can also reach out to us here at Safe to talk / Kōrero mai ka ora. 




Quitline - Me Mutu