SPARX e-therapy equips young people and rangatahi with life skills to power through stressful and negative emotions.
Concerned about someone?
If the person you are concerned about is having any thoughts about hurting themselves, they need to reach out and talk with someone who is trained to help right now.
0508 4 SPARX (0508 477 279)
or text 3110 for freeCall 111 if you or someone else might be unsafe right now.
Building resilience through gameplay
SPARX e-therapy equips young people and rangatahi with life skills to power through stressful and negative emotions.
A TEAM OF ALLIES - Go on a journey with courageous characters
Every new encounter will help you learn how to take control with Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, and X-Factor thoughts.
LEARN NEW SKILLS - Take charge of your world
Learn from wise and fearless guides, armed with real-world advice and problem solving skills, to reach your goals in and out of the game.
SOLVE PUZZLES & PLAY mini games - Overcome any challenge
Play one to two levels each week, practising what you’ve learnt after each session, to become mentally and emotionally unstoppable! Who knows, you could even become a real-world guide for others.
Not just a game
SPARX is a tried and tested method of e-therapy, providing effective help with feelings of moderate anxiety and depression – no appointment needed.
By youth, for youth
SPARX was created with help from young people just like you, who’ve experienced similar emotions and learnt healthy ways to resolve them.
More play, more results
Game for good with every level by learning self-help skills to support your journey in and out of the SPARX world.
Made for all
No matter your background or where you’re at in life, SPARX can help you (and those around you) achieve stronger emotional resilience.
A proven mental health tool for youth
It may seem counter-intuitive to suggest a video game as a solution for real-world problems, but SPARX is a proven mental health tool with incredible results.
Designed for teens, SPARX uses tried and tested methods inspired by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help players build and strengthen their emotional resilience and learn valuable skills they’ll keep for life.
Try SPARX for yourself
One way to keep an eye on progress, without feeling too intrusive, is to try SPARX yourself or alongside the player. This way you’re both familiar with what’s going on and can talk it through at your own pace.
Practise learnt skills together
After each SPARX level, it’s important to take time to absorb the lesson and practise these new skills in a real-world setting. By lending a helping hand, you can stay involved and give further insight into the self-help techniques being explored.
Take time to listen
Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be there; so try make yourself known as someone to reach out to. Eventually, with the help of SPARX, communicating emotions should become easier and something you can both benefit from.
Bring the fun!
Keeping a positive mindset feels almost impossible for those dealing with mental health struggles.
So, do you part by introducing some fun or positive things each day you’re together.
Visit a professional together
Sometimes a trip to the doctor or counsellor might be required. Sharing what’s on your mind isn’t easy, so your guidance in helping your friend or family member talk and express their emotions could make a world of difference.
Lend a hand to someone in need
When someone we know is experiencing feelings of depression or anxiety, it’s tricky to know how to help. That’s where SPARX comes in.
Our journey - The story so far
In 2012, a team from the University of Auckland began developing a digital tool to help NZ youth repair their mental and emotional wellbeing. First, we pulled together proven strategies to combat depression and anxiety, inspired by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Then, in order to reach youth with maximum impact, we combined these therapeutic strategies with online gaming and storytelling.
In 2013, the team began randomised controlled trials (RCT) and by 2014, the first version of the SPARX game was live; the name representing our goal to promote Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, X-factor thoughts. From the outset, SPARX was specifically designed to be relevant in Aotearoa, incorporating a fantasy wawata setting with the use of Māori-styled graphics.
In 2018, further milestones were made when SPARX became available on mobile, getting our e-therapy programme into the hands of even more youth, locally and internationally. By 2021, the second iteration of SPARX was launched; the further refined version of the game, with better support for LGBTQI+.
SPARX has far surpassed expectations, reaching communities far and wide, with new international partnerships and adaptations in the works.