Tī Wana

Tiriwā Hauora.
Tiriwā Hauora listings connect whānau with health providers, community support, and well-being services, making it easy to find the right support.
Cashel Health Centre
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tāngata! He tāngata! He tāngata!
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!
Bush Dental
Maintaining a healthy smile makes you feel and look fantastic. Have a smile to be proud of by visiting our respected dental practice in Merivale, Christchurch.
Battered Women’s Trust ( S.H.E )
Battered Women’s Trust is dedicated to providing specialist domestic violence services within Christchurch and wider Canterbury districts.
0800 Hungry
non-denominational, non-profit Christian Charitable Trust established to empower churches and social agencies of all denoinations to reach out to those in our community who need a helping hand.
Anxiety NZ
Mental health support, treatment, and education for a resilient and thriving Aotearoa.
Akaroa Health
Our team of health professionals provide General Practice services, rehabilitative, respite and palliative care, and rest home and hospital level care for residents and visitors to Akaroa and the Bays.
Alcohol Drug Helpline
we are committed to providing a culturally affirming service, utilising resources available specifically for Māori, and referring callers to kaupapa Māori treatment services when requested
Amberley Foodbank
The Amberley Area Foodbank services not only Amberley and Leithfield but can help families in need from Balcairn to Cheviot and occasionally Hanmer.