Aviva is a Canterbury-based, specialist family violence and sexual violence agency
To support whānau and communities to live free from violence.
A society free from the harms of family and sexual violence.
Aviva is a Canterbury-based, specialist family violence and sexual violence agency, dedicated to a violence-free Aotearoa. Grounded in a spirit of positivity and potential, Avia offers a range of specialist services that support all individuals and family members to overcome family and sexual violence and achieve well-being.
All services are accessed through our Christchurch office at Aviva, C/- The Loft, Level 1, Eastgate Mall, Christchurch. Some services are also available in North Canterbury, Selwyn and Ashburton.
Our services are non-mandated/voluntary to attend and free to access.
Everyone deserves a life free from sexual violence. Aviva's Sexual Violence Team (formally Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury/SASSC) knows that overcoming the effects of sexual violence can be a difficult and challenging journey. But it needn’t be traveled alone. Our support service is here 24-hours a day to support you, your family/ whānau and friends.
Who can access support?
Aviva's Sexual Violence Team supports adults who have been victims of sexual assault/rape, and close family members/friends of victims. The Team supports people of all genders. We support victims of both recent and historic assaults. You do not have to report an assault to be supported. We are currently available in Christchurch, North Canterbury, Selwyn and Ashburton.
What is sexual violence?
Sexual violence is any type of sexual contact or behaviour that you do not willingly and explicitly agree to. It includes a wide range of behaviours, and the words used to describe these are varied. They can include rape, attempted rape, sexual violation, coerced sexual activity, and sexual harassment or threats (including digital harassment and threats). Many adults also struggle with sexual violence or abuse that they experienced in childhood. Often this has happened within trusted relationships in which behaviours other than violence may have been used to gain control over them. If you have been exposed to sexual violence, it is important to remember that it is not your fault.
How can Aviva help?
Aviva's Sexual Violence Team provides 24/7 rape/sexual assault support, including: support to attend medical exams; support for parents/whānau of people who have been sexually abused; support and advocacy services; and community education and resources. Beyond the point of crisis: A support worker follows up all referrals to the service with a phone call, which will include an assessment of your needs. They may provide you with information about other relevant services, including counselling, and arrange for a referral for you. We can support you to give Police Statements. They may also provide some ongoing support for you and your whānau as you navigate your experience and recovery.
How do I make contact?
Call our 24/7 support line (0800 28482 669) Email svadmin@aviva.org.nz (this inbox is checked Monday-Friday, 9-5)
Aviva supports all people affected by violence to connect with their strengths and create a positive vision for a safer, fulfilling life.
Who can access support from Aviva?
Anybody, of any age who is experiencing (or has experienced) family and/or sexual violence, abuse, or harm can be helped and supported by Aviva. We support people of all genders, faiths and ethnicities. We have services for adults, youth and children. All of our services are free and available to all people who meet our criteria; you do not need to enter a Safe House or to have left your relationship to access our services.
How do I know if what I'm experiencing is violence/abuse?
Maybe you're not sure that your relationship is actually an abusive one because there is no physical violence. It's important to note that you do not need to have experienced physical violence; your experience may be of emotional, psychological, economic or sexual abuse. The most obvious sign that something is wrong is if you or your children feel scared.
How can Aviva help?
We can support you in gaining protection orders, accessing financial support, linking to Kainga Ora, and accessing support networks We can advocate for your and support you to upgrade the security of your home once the violent person has left We provide short and long-term support, depending on yours and your family’s needs We offer Courageous Steps, our Ministry of Justice approved education programme on family violence, to support you in making the changes you would like to make.
What can I expect from Aviva?
You can expect to hear from us within 24 hours of your request, except over the weekend where you may not be contacted until the next working day. If you don't hear from us, we may have called, but we don't leave messages until we check with you that it is safe to do so. We provide high quality support and intervention; being told your rights; receiving a clear explanation of what we do. You can expect to receive information on safety planning and support networks, and quality advocacy to other services. We generally meet clients in our Community Offices but can be flexible and meet elsewhere, as long as it is safe.
Link: https://www.avivafamilies.org.nz/I-need-help/Sexual-Assault-Support/
It our shared responsibility to protect our children and young people. Aviva’s specialist tamariki services are designed to promote wellbeing and help break the inter-generational cycle of violence.
Who are Aviva Tamariki Services for?
Aviva’s Tamariki Services are available for children aged between 5 and 12 who have experienced (including having witnessed) family violence. For youth aged 13 and above, our Rangatahi Services are available to offer support.
Is family violence hurting my tamariki?
Family violence doesn’t always involve physical violence; it can include emotional, financial or sexual abuse. It can be experienced directly or witnessed. Do you recognise any of these signs of possible family violence in your child, or a child you know? Anxiety disorders; excessive fears; nightmares Cruelty to animals or other people Attention seeking behaviours Suppressed feelings and failure to relate well to others Isolation and withdrawal Self-harm or suicide attempts Frequent sickness; failure to thrive Inability to concentrate Disruptive behaviour; tantrums; bullying If a child you know is showing any of the above behaviours, they may need support.
How can Aviva help?
We offer Tamariki Relationship and Individual Safety Education (RISE), a 10-week education and support programme for children (aged 5-12). Course content is delivered in fun and informal way. Children will: develop their own safety plans learn about healthy relationships be supported to build their confidence share with others and ‘break the secret’ find appropriate ways to manage their own anger learn what to do when they recognise abuse have a positive, trusting experience with others The programme can be offered individually or in a group settings during school terms.
When and where can tamariki access support?
Our 10-week group education programme Tamariki RISE is run during school terms in Christchurch, mid-Canterbury, Selwyn and North Canterbury based on interest. The programme can also be delivered individually by a professionally qualified kaimahi.
How can my child get to the support programme?
Assistance with transport may be available. Aviva can offer pick-up and return from the child's school to Tamariki RISE.
Link: https://www.avivafamilies.org.nz/I-need-help/tamariki/
Everyone deserves a life free from violence. If you have been exposed to family or sexual violence, or are struggling with your own anger, getting the right support is important.
Who are Aviva Rangatahi Services for?
Aviva Rangitahi Services are for young people aged 13 and above who have experienced (including having witnessed) family violence, or who are at risk of using violence. Aviva provides support that is led by you. We work alongside you to recognise and respond to harmful behaviors. By learning and practicing healthy boundaries, you can proactively manage your wellbeing, your right and responsibility to be safe, and build healthy relationships. For children aged between 5 and 12, our Tamariki Services are available to support.
Is family violence affecting me?
Do you recognise yourself, or someone you care about, in any of the following questions? Is someone in your life using violence, or the threat of violence, against you or those you care about? Do you, or does someone you know, use controlling behaviours? Suspicion of phone calls, texts, emails, friends or family Becoming jealous Trying to control who other people see and where they go Controlling access to money and how it is spent Being isolated from friends or family Are you, or is someone you know, being emotionally abusive? Using put-downs or name-calling Making the other person feel useless Showing little or no regard for the other person’s thoughts or feelings Are you, or is someone you know, sometimes forced, intimidated or pressured into sexual activity? Are you, or is someone you know, being psychologically abusive? Using intimidating and threatening behaviour Playing mind games Causing fear Do you become angry easily and take it out on others? If you answered yes to any of these questions, now is a good time to reach out.
How can Aviva support me?
Our Rangatahi Education Programme, He Pito Mata, offers education and support for young people aged 13-18. You will be supported to: Develop your own plans to stay safe Learn about healthy relationships Build your self-confidence Have positive, trusting experiences with others Find appropriate ways to deal with anger Learn what to do when you recognise abuse Know where to get support that works for you Support can be delivered individually or in a 10-week group education setting during school terms.
Where can I access support?
Support is available in Christchurch, Selwyn, Ashburton and North Canterbury. Assistance with transport may also be available.