Akaroa Health

Our team of health professionals provide General Practice services, rehabilitative, respite and palliative care, and rest home and hospital level care for residents and visitors to Akaroa and the Bays.


Our team of health professionals provide General Practice services, rehabilitative, respite and palliative care, and rest home and hospital level care for residents and visitors to Akaroa and the Bays.

To contact Akaroa Health, please email reception@akaroahealth.nz or call 03 304 7004.

We are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, 2 Aylmers Valley Road, Akaroa, Canterbury, NZ.

In the case of EMERGENCY dial 111 

GP services.

Akaroa Health Centre houses a general practice and offers an array of general practice and visiting practitioner services.

  • Our highly skilled staff can provide a full range of general practice consultations. We allocate 15 minutes for GP consultations which is in general enough time to deal with one major or two minor issues. If you have a number of complex issues, you will need to book a double appointment. We do our best to run to time but the unpredictable nature of our work means that sometimes there may be a wait.

  • We recommend that from time to time you have a personal health check. Early detection of a medical problem usually results in better health long term. Please indicate to reception that you require a 30-minute wellness check when you book in. During this time, we will talk to you about your lifestyle, review your family medical history and question you on a range of symptoms. You will have a comprehensive examination and in many cases, you will have a blood test. We are particularly interested in identifying and treating risk factors for heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

  • Akaroa Health provides a number of services for children under 5. These include; ​​ administering the recommended immunisation schedule; B4 School checks for children under 5; and, a visiting Well Child nurse holds clinics at Akaroa Health. Parenting of small children can be worrying so please, if you have any concerns, make an appointment to see a Doctor or Nurse. Plunketline – 0800933922 – also has qualified nurses manning the phones 24/7.

  • If you have an accident, please call the health centre. One of our experienced nurses will advise on the appropriate course of action. The nurse will liaise with the GP and with the after-hours staff on call. We are able to provide assistance for most minor injuries, accidents and wound care management. We are able to undertake an initial assessment and stabilisation of more serious injuries. Should it be required, we will transfer care to Christchurch Hospital for x-ray and/or other treatment and management.

Aged residential care.

Home to eight residents who benefit from 24 hour care.

A residential community with full access to care

  • Rest home care

  • Hospital care

  • Respite care 

Akaroa Health Centre is home to eight residents who have 24 hour care in a purpose built residential care wing. Our residents enjoy a light filled and spacious environment with all the home comforts.

A communal dining area, residents lounge and courtyard bring our residents together daily and a dedicated team of carers and a Diversional Therapist ensure residents remain immersed in the Akaroa community.  

Residents benefit from Akaroa Health Centre's adjacent general practice and visiting practitioners in a truly integrated healthcare environment.

We also cater for respite care where our patients receive the same level of care and access to services and activities as our residents. Respite care can be for a couple of days or as long as a couple of weeks. 

If you are interested in finding out more about our residential care services please contact Emma Crew via email generalmanager@akaroahealth.nz


Each room comes with the following; 

  • Single Bed

  • Private ensuite 

  • Purpose built wardrobe

  • Drawers

  • Flat screen TV

  • Large window

  • Underfloor heating




Alcohol Drug Helpline