ACTIS provides information and assistance

  • Tā Mātou Moemoea – Our Vision

    Kia tū tahi ai, Te hapori ō Aranui.  Kia tū tangata ai tātou katoa.
    Aranui, a proud community of hope and opportunities where people stand tall.

  • Kia mahi tahi ai, te hapori, kia puāwaitia, ā Aranui.
    Our Community, working together, for an awesome Aranui.



ACTIS provides information and assistance for a wide variety of social agencies, government and educational providers in Aranui, East Christchurch.

The best education and learning provision for the Aranui Community

Whainga/Goals Increased number of educational and learning opportunities available locally to the Aranui Community that meet their needs** Ngā Putanga Mai/Outputs Number of partnerships with education providers in the Aranui Community Number of learning opportunities provided in partnership with the Aranui Library and Community Centre Number of learning spaces for the community increase Number of activities delivered in partnership with educational providers/local/central government to forwarding community identified needs Number of activities that encourage parents to realise the value of learning and education

The Best health and wellbeing for the Aranui Community

Whainga/Goals Increased number of health and wellbeing services available locally to the Aranui community that meet their needs. Ngā Putanga Mai/Outputs Number of appropriate services within ACTIS/Heartlands Number of services that recognise and provide for the cultural diversity in the Aranui Community.


Anxiety NZ


Akaroa Health