Amberley Foodbank

The Amberley Area Foodbank services not only Amberley and Leithfield but can help families in need from Balcairn to Cheviot and occasionally Hanmer.

  • We are here to help grow the mental health and wellbeing of people in Aotearoa New Zealand, and to provide support, education and treatment for;

    Tamariki/kids, rangatahi/young people, pakeke/adults and whānau/families living with anxiety and other mental health experiences.

  • Ko ngā tāngata, te mātua mahi.

    Putting people at the heart of all we do.


If you are in need of food assistance please contact us and bring suitable photo I.D and proof of address such as a power bill to your appointment.

If you wish to donate food or make a financial contribution please contact us during office hours.

Please phone or email the listed contacts for more information.


This Christmas, many people in New Zealand will be struggling to make ends meet, provide a festive meal or presents for family and they will need to seek food assistance from a foodbank. The demand on foodbanks will be unprecedented this year and they seek your help over the holiday period to meet this demand. If you would like to make a donation either online or by direct deposit it would be greatly appreciated. If you wish to donate food items to your local foodbank, please get in touch with them directly. Each foodbank has different requirements. Contact details can be found in our Directory

We provide our directory listings free of charge to foodbanks and other community organisations across New Zealand. If you would like to show your support and help us continue providing this invaluable website directory, you can make a donation below online using your debit/credit card or by direct deposit. Whilst we are not a registered charity, and therefore donations are ineligible for a tax rebate we have fundraised and distributed over $195000 in financial donations to foodbanks across the country and have helped delivered over 250 tons of food to organisations and families in need.

Click here to DONATE


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