Fostering whānau connection and resilience for the future of our mokopuna.

Who We Are

We are a kaupapa Māori organisation dedicated to addressing the gaps in our community, ensuring that our people receive the support and resources they need to thrive.



Ngākau Pono




Auahatanga · Ngākau Pono · Aroha ·

  • Community Engagements

    Tī Wana delivers opportunities for the community to explore and enhance their understanding of things Māori. We are always looking for ways to partner with the community.

  • Rangatahi Initiatives

    Mura hopes to ignite the fire within our rangatahi. Through fitness, te reo classes and more, we want rangatahi to explore opportunities without barriers or worries.  

  • Hauora Directory

    Tiriwā hopes to empower and inform whānau of the supports and resources available to them. With a dedicated team of kaimahi available to support whānau when required.

Ti Wana Services is dedicated to identifying and implementing solutions that empower the Māori community to thrive. We actively seek opportunities to celebrate key kaupapa significant to Māori by fostering social connections and creating spaces for meaningful engagement.

Ti Wana



We are a kaupapa Māori organisation dedicated to addressing the gaps in our community, ensuring that our people receive the support and resources they need to thrive.

Ti Wana


A space for Māori rangatahi (16-25) and their whānau to grow, connect, and uplift each other.

Driven by a ‘by rangatahi for rangatahi’ approach, Mura’s four unique programs are designed to reflect the voices and needs of our rangatahi, building strength, resilience, and cultural connection.

  • 38-week free, hauora-enhancing kaupapa.

    Ages between 16 and 25 years old Twice per week Any Fitness levels Linwood location Classes are Mondays 3.30pm & Wednesday 3pm for now. Please commit to what day and time could work better for you if these do not. We are flexible and Rangatahi voice leads all Mura Kaupapa.

  • The Mura Noho Wānanga Series is for rangatahi māmā and parenting couples with whakapapa Māori, aged 16 to 25, who can commit to attending all five wānanga weekends in the series.

Ti Wana


Hauora Directory

Tiriwā is a digital hauora directory that helps whānau find Māori health services and essential well-being resources. With easy access to support services, health information, and community resources, Tiriwā effectively guides whānau to the right help when needed, thus making healthcare simpler to navigate.