Ti Wana

Tiriwā Hauora.
Tiriwā Hauora listings connect whānau with health providers, community support, and well-being services, making it easy to find the right support.
Problem Gambling Foundation Services
No matter where you are on your journey to recovery or how you are affected by gambling, we provide free counselling, advice and support.
Pathways - Ahakoa Te Aha
Mental health and addiction is our priority. We’re passionate about supporting tāngata whai ora and taiohi to achieve their very best outcomes. Working within many communities across Aotearoa we support people to live full lives; hopeful and connected to what matters to them.
Odyssey House
Odyssey House Trust Christchurch provides therapeutic support and education to clients with drug and alcohol addictions. Our mission is to improve the wellbeing (Life quality) of individuals, family and community affected by addiction, mental health and related issues
Nova Trust
Nova’s vision is to change life for better, helping people affected by alcohol, drugs and other life changes to change their lives and fulfil their potential. Nova service-users will live better, healthier and more independent lives.
Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand
It's time to get some support for you. Supporting a loved one using alcohol and/or other drugs can be a long, hard, lonely, overwhelming journey but is vital to their recovery.
Familial Trust
We provide support to family/whānau who are impacted by a family members misuse of alcohol and drugs.
Christchurch Central Service - Tūhauora
A key role of this CCS is to facilitate access to the Canterbury AOD treatment services. We can provide services over the phone or walk in.
CCS is a screening, coordination and resource centre for Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) issues. The service provides screening and assessment to help link the person in with the appropriate AOD service.
The Salvation Army - Te Ope Whakaora
The Salvation Army provides all social services without discrimination.
Quitline - Me Mutu
Ready to Stop?
If you are ready to quit smoking, Quitline can support you with a plan designed to help you beat the smoking addiction.