Helplines - extra listings
Free & confidential phone services where you can chat about what's on your mind, get some advice, and find help without any judgement.
Extra Listings here….
About Us
After the suicide of someone close to you, the first days and weeks can seem like a blur.
There may be a lot of information to take in. You may be experiencing intense shock and grief. This website has information to help you get through this tough time. This includes details about loss and grief, what you may be experiencing, practical matters and where to find support.
Everyone’s situation is different and the information on this website can only address some of what you are experiencing. Sometimes it helps to talk to things over with other people - either those close to you or someone from one of the support organisations listed on this website.
This website is run by the Mental Health Foundation on behalf of the Ministry of Health. It includes input from people with lived experience of suicide loss. We acknowledge your loss and want to let you know you are not alone.
This website also has information for people who are supporting others bereaved by suicide - if that's you, kia ora. It can be hard to know what to say or do when you’re supporting someone who’s lost someone to suicide. Don't let fears about saying or doing the wrong thing stop you from reaching out. Let the person or whānau you’re supporting know you’re there to listen. Understand that everyone grieves differently. Offer to help in practical ways and maintain your support over time. This website is for you too - thank you for being here.
Nau mai, haere mai
We are here for all people living with anxiety and other mental health experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We offer specialist clinical services, ongoing peer support groups, educational resources, and immediate help via our free 24/7 national 0800 ANXIETY Helpline.
Get the support you need to work through everyday stress and anxiety.
Immediate Support - Get immediate support for youself or someone else.
Helpline - Call our helpline to talk to a real person.
Therapeutic Services - Learn about our specialist clinical services.
Referrals - How to see a psychologist, psychotherapist or Doctor at Anxiety NZ.
Take proactive care of your mental health and wellbeing and empower your life.
Tools to manage anxiety - Resources to help those experiencing anxiety.
Self-care and wellbeing - Tools to look after your mental and physical wellbeing.
Support for whānau and family - Resources to help you support someone you care about.
Caring for kids and young people - Resources for parents, caregivers and teachers.
Gambling Helpline is a 24 hour, freephone helpline for those worried about gambling or the gambling of others. You can call us to receive immediate support, to be referred to another gambling support organisation, or for information services for problem gambling. Gambling Helpline is the helpline associated with the Government's Safer Gambling Aotearoa campaign to end harmful gambling.
At Gambling Helpline we:
Offer phone support and counselling to encourage you when making the changes you want to make
We can call you back, discreetly, for ongoing support and encouragement
We can offer you support and practical suggestions when in crisis, and if necessary, provide crisis intervention
Dedicated services for Māori and Pacific people, if you wish to use these
A dedicated Gambling Debt helpline to support you and offer you practical programmes around your gambling financial issues
Gambling self-help tools and other literature that you may find helpful
We can refer you to your local (where available) face-to-face counselling agency, Gamblers Anonymous group, and any other gambling related services to assist you
If you choose to attend face-to-face counselling we can provide ongoing support and encouragement between your appointments
An online chat room/forum where you can share your story and receive support from others
Support by email and text
Support for youth via phone and website
General gambling information
Consumer information
Who we are
Gambling Helpline is a 24 hour free-phone service that you can call to receive immediate support, as well as referral and information services for gambling problems. Our services are provided to people:
Who are, or have been gambling
Family and friends concerned about someone else's gambling, and
The general public interested in the impact gambling has in New Zealand.
As the helpline for the Government’s Safer Gambling Aotearoa campaign, we are the first point of contact for many people wanting to talk about gambling problems or to receive ongoing support.
How we work with you
Our services are provided on a free basis throughout New Zealand by telephone counsellors who have specialist gambling problem training and experience.
When you call us we will:
Listen to you
Examine the problems or issues with you
Explore possible ways to address these issues
Assist you by working with you to determine your next steps
Give you choices around what you want to do next, such as face to face counselling, strategies that may assist you, self-help resources to work with, and information for you. We also offer self-help options on this website.
Offer continued future support.
Call us on 0800 654 655 or free text on 8006
Welcome to MoneyTalks
Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge you need to manage your personal finances.
Whether you have a simple question or need help from a local financial mentor, our dedicated helpline advisors are here to help.
Our Team
At MoneyTalks, we have a team of knowledgeable and compassionate helpline advisors located across Aotearoa. Our advisors are trained to handle calls, online chats, texts, and emails, ensuring that you can reach us in the way that’s most convenient for you.
What We Do
Our primary goal is to answer your questions about personal finance and connect you with a local financial mentoring service. Whether you need help with budgeting, managing debt, or planning for the future, we can link you to a financial mentor who can provide free, confidential and non-judgemental support.
Our Support
Operated by FinCap and funded by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), MoneyTalks is committed to ensuring that everyone in Aotearoa has access to free, high-quality financial mentoring. Our helpline is designed to be a first step towards financial stability, offering you the tools and connections you need to take control of your financial situation.
Get in Touch
No matter what financial challenges you’re facing, MoneyTalks is here for you.
We connect people with financial mentors and services to help them out of financial hardship
Free text 4029 for advice - or click on one of the buttons below.
Who can call
Call now for compassionate, friendly, non-judgemental support and advice on all parenting issues.
From 9am to 9pm - 7 days a week.
What we help with
disrespectful and out-of-control behaviour
sibling rivalry
solo parenting
refusing to go to school
blended families
posting on social media
agression and anger issues
technology and device use
anxiety and depression
and a lot more.
What number do I call?
Call 0800 568 856 for instant support!
PlunketLine is a free parent helpline and advice service available to all families, whānau and caregivers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What you need to knowCall 0800 933 922 for parenting help. This is a free, 24/7 service (calls are also free from cellphones)
You don't need to be a Plunket client to use PlunketLine
When you call PlunketLine your call will be answered by a Plunket nurse, who can give you advice and information on parenting issues and your child’s health and wellbeing
You can also access free online specialist support with breastfeeding and sleep through PlunketLine.
About PlunketLine
When you call PlunketLine your call will be answered by a Plunket nurse, who can give you advice and information on parenting issues and your child’s health and wellbeing.
Plunket Nurses are registered nurses with additional qualifications in Well Child health. We also have nurses who can speak other languages, and an interpreter service if you need it.
As well as providing high-quality advice, PlunketLine is a great way to access our nationwide family support network. It is a gateway to many services, including referrals to local Plunket nurses and Plunket family centres.
You don’t have to be registered with Plunket to access or use PlunketLine services.
PlunketLine has been in operation since 1994 and continues to be a highly valued and respected provider of child health advice, supporting families and complementing the Plunket services provided in the community.
Confidential, non‑judgemental & non‑religious support
If you are experiencing loneliness, depression, despair, distress or suicidal feelings, call 0800 72 66 66 now.
Samaritans operates a 24/7 crisis help line. Our phones are operated by volunteers from the community for the community. We receive no direct government funding.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”
Maya Angelou -
About Seniorline
Seniorline is contracted by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora to provide an information service to assist older people to navigate the health system.
We provide information on:
how you can get help to stay living at home for as long as possible
support services for carers
the process for entry to rest home, dementia or hospital care
funding and the services that should be provided.
Support services for older people are funded by Health NZ if you are eligible for public health care in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Types of support services
Support services for older people may include:
personal care — such as getting out of bed, showering, dressing, or taking medicines
household support — such as cleaning or meal preparation
carer support — help for the person who lives with you or looks after you for 4 hours or more each day
rehabilitation — to help you restore and relearn lost abilities
equipment to help with your safety at home.
Support for carers(internal link)
Benefits of support services
These services can help you to:
maintain your independence and quality of life
stay in your own home for as long as you can
participate in your community.
How to access support services
To access these support services you require a needs assessment first. You can refer yourself to a Needs Assessment Service Coordinator (NASC).
Needs Assessment Service(internal link)
Find your local NASC(external link)
Phone 0800 725 463 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm)
Shine is an acronym that stands for Safer Homes in New Zealand Everyday. This name – and our aims in addressing family violence – are hopeful, positive and optimistic. We want people to feel that there is some light shining on a terrible problem in New Zealand and that some brightness is ahead.
Shine provides a range of effective, practical and innovative services to achieve our mission to stop family violence in New Zealand. We directly help thousands of adults and children who experience abuse every year to become safer through our frontline services; and we indirectly help thousands more through our education and training programmes: Shine RESPOND in communities, the DVFREE programme in workplaces and our health sector partnerships.
Shine works closely with a number of government agencies, community organisations and businesses to achieve our goals more effectively, from the NZ Police and Oranga Tamariki to Health New Zealand, NZ Probation Service, Whakarongorau telehealth services and many more.
Shine is part of the Presbyterian Support Northern group of social services, which include Family Works and Lifeline Aotearoa.
Need help right now?
Are you in immediate danger?
Call 111 and ask for the police. If unsafe to speak, push 55 on a mobile (or any number on a landline).
Shine Helpline
Call now to receive advice and support from our compassionate team.
Chat to us Online
If you’d prefer to chat online, you can access confidential support via our live webchat.
Need help now?
Crisisline: 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843
Phone us toll free from anywhere in New Zealand for information, advice and support about domestic violence as well as help in a crisis. We’re here to help you on this phone number 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Follow the simple steps to be put through to your local refuge on your touchtone or mobile phone. You will be automatically redirected to a female advocate in your region.
Click here to contact your local refuge
YouthLaw Aotearoa is a free community law centre for children and young people nationwide. We provide free legal services to anyone aged under 25 who are unable to access legal help elsewhere, or those acting on their behalf. We’re a registered charity (CC10505) and we’re part of the nationwide community law centre network. We’re the only organisation operating across NZ where children and young people can access free legal services just for them.
We provide four main services to children and young people:
We provide legal advice via our 0800 UTHLAW (884 529) advice line.
Legal information on our website and with other resources.
Education sessions for young people and those who work with them. To book an education session please call us.
We work to make law changes that will improve access to justice for children and young people.