Takatāpui - extra listings

Gender & Sexuality Diversity

Extra Listings

  • Christchurch Sexual Health Service aims to provide sexual health care that is patient focused, culturally appropriate and of an excellent standard.


    Christchurch Sexual Health Clinic is a specialist service offering free and confidential sexual health care including:

    • Diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections (STI's) and HIV as well as other related conditions, such as certain genital skin conditions and genital pain.

    • Sexual health advice and guidance

    • Onsite and takeaway STI test kits including optional bloods tests for HIV and Syphilis.

    • Outreach clinics

    • NO Walk-in clinics

    Access to services

    The clinic has a triage process via initial phone call 03 364 0485 to our admin team who will advise how best to proceed. Your GP can refer you to our specialised service if required.

  • Our services are for anyone 17 and over and living in Canterbury who experience difficulties with anxietydepressionbipolar disorder or any mental health or addictions issue.

    All of us at MHAPS have a personal or family experience of mental illness, distress or addictions. Our peer support workers have particular understandings of anxiety and of bipolar disorder. You can be assured of empathy and an accepting attitude from our staff.

    Our services are mostly free of charge, however if you would like to make a donation, we would certainly accept appreciate it!

    You can phone, text, email or visit to make an appointment to see someone yourself. There is no need for anyone to refer you to MHAPS, unless you ask them to.

    Here are some ways we can work with you:

  • About Us

    Founded in 1975, OutLine Aotearoa is an all-ages Rainbow mental health organisation that provides support throughout Aotearoa to Takatāpui, MVPFAFF+ and Rainbow communities, their friends, whānau, and those questioning.

    We offer a nationwide, free and confidential support line and online chat support service between 6pm-9pm every day.

    We also provide peer support for trans and non-binary people in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, and for conversion practices survivors throughout Aotearoa.

    For the better part of a decade, OutLine Aotearoa has also been providing Rainbow specialist counselling services. This service is currently on pause while we undertake work to transform the way we provide counselling to our communities.  

    Call us on 0800 OUTLINE (0800 688 5463) any evening between 6pm and 9pm to talk to a trained volunteer from Aotearoa’s LGBTQIA+ communities. It’s free and confidential. Some of the topics people call to talk about include family relationships, loneliness and isolation, sexuality and gender identity, sexual health, navigating gender-affirming healthcare and meeting people.

    Our support line and online chat services are answered by volunteers from Aotearoa’s Rainbow communities who have been trained to help others on issues around sexual orientation and gender identity. Currently the organisation has around 50 volunteers who have all undertaken ongoing training and supervision.

    Our objectives

    To support, affirm and advance the Aotearoa New Zealand Rainbow communities* to achieve successful outcomes by;

    • providing programmes which cater for social, educational and emotional needs

    • advocating for social, cultural and legal rights

    • nurturing and providing resources to meet community aspirations

    * We use “Rainbow” as an umbrella term to describe people whose sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics differ from majority, binary norms. This includes people who identify with terms like takatāpui, lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, transgender, queer, non-binary or fa’afafine, as well as people who don’t use specific words for their identity, people whose identity changes over time, and people who are in the process of understanding their own identity and may not have ‘come out’ to themselves or others.

  • The Pink Pages is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Intersex and Transgender Directory of Queer and Queer Friendly Services in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

    The Pink Pages Directory has now been completely updated and is available as an online resource through the Community and Public Health  (CPH) website.

    The Pink Pages was a long-term project of Pink Health Ōtautahi. Since the winding-up of PHO, CPH will continue to update and promote The Pink Pages as a way of supporting the local Rainbow Community.

    Hard copies of the resource will not be printed anymore due to the costs involved and the difficulties of keeping the information current. It is much easier to update details as necessary in an online resource.

    You are welcome to download or view The Pink Pages from the Community and Public Health website.

    You can download the Pink Pages listing application form if you wish to update your listing, or to provide a new listing.

  • Tautoko Hauora

    Tautoko Hauora is a service that provides support to individuals who are either not enrolled in a general practice or who are enrolled but not accessing their general practice teams as frequently as required.

    Tautoko Hauora is a service that aims to provide support to individuals who are either not enrolled in a general practice or who are enrolled but not accessing their general practice teams as frequently as required.

    Our dedicated kaitautoko (support workers) from the Tautoko Hauora service can assist people to access primary health care and social services in the Waitaha Canterbury region. Kaitautoko are a mobile workforce capable of conducting home and community visits when deemed appropriate.

    An assessment of tangata whai ora (person seeking wellness) and a plan around health and wellbeing will be carried out. Tautoko Hauora service provides a one-off brief to medium term intervention and referrals can be made to other health services as needed.

    Kaitautoko work with Māori, Pacific peoples, CALD, Youth, Rainbow, low income, and those with disabilities. They work with people who are currently enrolled with a Pegasus general practice and those not enrolled, but willing to enrol, in a Pegasus practice.

    Please note: Tautoko Hauora is not an emergency service.

    Make a referral to the Tautoko Hauora Service

    Referrals can be made by general practices and health professionals to a team based at Pegasus House. From there, referrals are allocated to partner providers who employ kaitautoko. People can also self-refer to the service.

    Complete the online referral form below.

    Make a referral 

    If you would prefer, you can download and print a Referral Form (PDF, 115 KB) and scan the completed form back to TautokoHauora@pegasus.health.nz. You can also make a referral through ERMS if you have access to that system.

  • About us

    Established in 1986 The Women’s Centre was originally set up to support women on their journey leaving Women’s Refuge. 

    Once the Refuge established its own support system the focus of The Women’s Centre shifted to serving all Christchurch women.

    The Centre is a safe space for all women to access resources, counselling, or information about further support services.
    The Women’s Centre is committed to a future based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

    Our Vision

    A world in which all women have equal rights and objectives.

    Our Mission Statement

    The Women’s Centre works with and for the well-being of all women, by assisting, encouraging and supporting them to make informed choices in their lives. 


    The Women’s Centre offers up to 10 free counselling sessions for all women over 18 years old. 

    To book your first appointment please get in touch with The Women’s Centre by giving us a call on (03) 371 7414 or email admin@womenscentre.co.nz

    Our counselling services are popular and there is usually a waiting list. Once you have reached out to us we will add to you the waiting list and let you know when an appointment becomes available.

    If you accept the appointment you will be booked in to meet the same counsellor every week on the same day at the same time, for up to 10 sessions.

    Counselling appointments are held from Monday to Friday from 9am until 4pm.

    Drop-in Centre

    Drop-in/Help in a Hurry

    If you need help in a hurry and don’t have an appointment these are the times you can drop into the Centre for assistance:

    Monday – Friday, 10 am – 2 pm.

    Courses, Support Groups and Workshops

    The Women’s Centre hosts a wide range of courses, support groups and workshops for women and non-binary people to attend to learn life skills or more about topics which may interest them.

    For up to date information about courses keep an eye on our ‘Events’ page or The Women’s Centre Facebook page.


    More than 1,000 books are available for clients and members of The Women’s Centre to borrow.

    Take a look at the books on offer here and pop into the Centre to loan them out.


  • About Youthline

    Youthline is a “with youth, for youth” organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We have been providing support to Kiwis aged between 12-24 years for more than 50 years.

    Youthline is here to support all young people – this includes young people who are struggling (with their mental health or other issues), as well as young people who want to learn, grow and give back to their community.

    Youthline offers a free Helpline service (text, phone, webchat & email), free face-to-face counselling services, youth mentoring, programmes in schools and communities to help people grow and develop.

    Youthline is a registered charity and we rely on the generous support of our partners, funders and supporters to continue to provide support to young New Zealanders.

    Our History

    Youthline was created in 1970 and forms a collaboration of youth development organisations across the country.

    Youthline works with young people, their families and those supporting young people. Our organisations are made up of volunteer and paid staff members – and we have centres based across the country.

    We were established to ensure young people know where to get help and can access support when they need it. At the core of Youthline’s work is the development of leadership and personal skills in young people. We do this by involving young people; both those who seek assistance and those who wish to develop themselves.


    Learn more about our counselling services across New Zealand. We provide counselling by phone, text, chat, Skype and in person. Most of our services are free, the rest are affordable.


    Explore future goals alongside someone who will listen and can help. Work one-on-one, determine your goals and set a plan so you get to where you want  you want to be.

    24/7 HELPLINE

    Our Helpline service is free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    No problem is too big or too small – we are here to listen and support you.

    ACC Sensitive Claims

    Our comprehensive team of counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists have years of experience in working sensitively and confidentially with people who are survivors of sexual violence, and between them have decades of specialised experience.

    Once matched with your preferred therapist, they will work alongside you to apply for financial assistance from ACC.

    From there, your therapist will work to develop a plan to support your short or long term needs.

    We have a team of experienced, highly skilled counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists who are available to support you.



Helplines - extra listings


Respite - extra listings