Respite - extra listings

Respite is a supportive pause that provides caregivers and whānau experiencing ongoing challenges a temporary break from their regular responsibilities, offering rest, relief, and an opportunity to recharge and maintain personal well-being.

  • Support and Advocacy for people and their families.
    Provides Information About: Disability Issues; Support and Advocacy, Training, employment and living opportunities; Accommodation and Holiday Homes; Education Services and Early Intervention; Benefits and Entitlements; Mobility Parking; Needs Assessments; Support Groups; Parent Support; The Disability Information Service - Christchurch; Library Resources; Recreation Opportunities; Respite Care; Coordination CCS can help you: To identify strengths To set goals To locate resources, services and activities available in your community To be empowered to be your own advocate On issues concerning, independence, integration enhanced quality of life and relationships. How Do I Access CCS Services? You can contact one of the following: Your Local CCS Office Your Doctor Hospital Social Worker CCS Canterbury & West Coast Branch


    0800 227 2255

  • Cholmondeley’s respite care service is designed to best support Canterbury tamariki between the ages of five and 12. However, it can also support independent tamariki aged three or four if they are accompanied by an older sibling.

    The respite care service gives tamariki the chance to be tamariki, in a safe learning and play environment set up to feel like a home away from home. After a tamariki has completed the referral process outlined below, they can be booked to stay at Cholmondeley every six to eight weeks, for up to three nights at a time. Every tamariki is different, and the frequency and length of their stay are tailored to their needs.

    Regular planned stays every six to eight weeks are common, though Cholmondeley can also respond quickly to welcome a tamariki already on its books in an emergency situation.

    Cholmondeley’s usual respite program takes two intakes per week – one from Monday to Thursday and the second from Thursday to Sunday. During this time, tamariki may stay for one, two, or three nights. Cholmondeley accepts referrals from any whānau, agencies or caregivers who may need support. This means anyone can get in touch to see if Cholmondeley is the right fit for their tamariki.

  • We offer respite facilities and options for individuals needing a break from their daily living situation or for those requiring significant care. This service allows both the individual and their whānau or carers to take a short, restorative break, supporting everyone’s overall wellbeing.

    Our goal is to ensure respite guests have a positive and worthwhile experience during their brief stay with us.

    Respite care can be accessed through mental health services or primary care caregivers of disabled individuals may be able to apply directly by contacting us.

  • Acute services

    Sometimes tāngata whai ora need additional support if their distress becomes too great. This is when we offer our respite or acute care services.

    At Pathways’ our acute care and respite services offer welcoming, home-like environments where people can have a short break when they need to rest and focus completely on their wellbeing. Supportive staff are on hand to help to get them back on their feet.

    Some use our respite care services as a planned break away when they’re struggling with life at home, or as a place to go instead of an inpatient hospital. How long tāngata whai ora stay varies depending on their own personal needs. Usually it’s just a few days, but at some of our services people may stay for a few weeks.

    Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact Pathways

  • These include but are not limited to; Aged Care;  The Croft provides hospital, rest home, respite, and dementia care plus apartments and is situated in Park Lane, Timaru.    Margaret Wilson in Seddon St,  provides rest home, respite and hospital beds and cottages/apartments.  The Hornsey Wing is situated here and provides care for 18 -65yr olds with physical disabilities. 

    Strathallen Lifecare and Healthcare provides rest home, hospital level care and rest home dementia care and also independent living villas and service apartments.

    Wallingford Home provides rest home and respite care in Temuka.

    Enliven Te Pokapu Day day activity programme enables elderly living at home to enjoy socialising, friendship and activities whilst carers have an opportunity for some time out.   Participants are collected from their residence in the morning and returned home after afternoon tea.  

    Other Services

    Frozen meals are available at the office between 9am and 4pm for a small charge.   These may be ordered by phone and delivered to your home.   

    Community Care.   This service provides personal care such as showering plus domestic care to those who are eligible. 

    Family Works.   Focusing on families they provide a large range of social services and programmes

    Refugee Settlement Services assists former Syrian refugees that have come to live in our community.

  • We give families with a hospitalised child what they need most - each other

    In 2023, RMHC New Zealand provided to families 42,206 nights of accommodation and support free of charge at its facilities throughout New Zealand. The need for our services is as great as ever, and the costs and way we deliver that help grows more complex each day.

    It's thanks to the generosity of people like you that we were able to deliver this care in a year that presented immense challenges.

  • The service provides a range of adult and youth residential services, respite sevices and community support, including rural youth services as well as long term residential services.

  • The centre welcomes guests who need a break from the stresses and strains of normal life.
    There are various options for the use of Te Waiora House. You may wish to take time out and stay for a few days, or you may use the house for a day retreat.
    You may be interested in bringing a group for the day or just having some time out on your own


Takatāpui - extra listings


Kakakura Health Services