Counselling - extra listings

Support through life's challenges, your story matters and healing can begin

  • The term Aspergers Syndrome, or “Aspies”, is no longer officially specified in the DSM-V, but incorporated into the umbrella term ASD.

    Our Vision is of a world where the unique gifts and perceptions of people living with ASD, are valued, celebrated, encouraged & employed
    for the enhancement and advancement of our community.

    We offer peer support, workplace mediation and resources for adults.
    Becoming self-aware is important for us all.
    We will help guide you through this process with humour and abiding hope.
    Our staff have ASD themselves, giving us an inside perspective.
    This is what makes us uniquely fitted to understand our clients.

    Please contact us (below) for any enquiries.
    We look forward to hearing from you.

    We are based at Selway House, 147-149 Papanui Road, Christchurch.

    Our Counsellor

    Julie McGeorge
    Dip. Psych/Counselling
    Ph. 022 6105925

    Our fee structure

    Consultation (1 hour) : $100
    Prediagnostic assessment : $150

    In cases of hardship a partial payment may be accepted. Please contact us to discuss.

    Please note – As we are not Government funded, but a charitable trust, we are wholly reliant on our Grants, donations and fees to remain operational.

  • Who we are

    CareNZ supports anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s use of alcohol or other drugs.

    We provide a range of services throughout the country, in both the community and prison settings. 

    We currently operate Community Services in Counties Manukau, the Waikato Region, Greater Wellington and Christchurch. Here you can access a variety of services, from assessment and individual counselling to group work and whanau support.

    In addition, we are operating eight Drug Treatment Units (DTUs) in prisons around the country, in conjunction with the Department of Corrections. These programmes offer prisoners the opportunity to address their drug and alcohol issues while serving their sentence, and offer them a pathway to sustainable life changes after their release.

    For offenders in the community or those who have been released from prison, we offer support through our Out of Gate Settlement Service and Single Point of Entry triage service.

    What we do

    At CareNZ, we offer people with addiction – and those who love them – a wide range of services and interventions to make significant changes in their lives.

    Don’t be afraid to take the first step and make contact with us – it can make all the difference.

    Everything we do will be tailored to your own situation – we recognise that everyone’s different.

    We are here for all people, regardless of culture, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, faith, disability, financial situation or education. 

    Our counselling and group work services in the community and in prisons are free of charge. (Charges may apply for some services. Learn more)

    We will work alongside you to find a solution that fits your individual needs. We’ll also work with those who are close to you, and we recognise the importance of whanau in the process of recovery and community re-integration.

  • Providing professional services to the community...

    We provide professional services to the community, including high-quality counselling, group programmes, and practical support in a respectful and non-judgemental environment, at no charge to anyone in need.

    Catholic Social Services, reflecting the Gospel and the social teachings of the Catholic Church,

    - Our Mission Statement -

    Catholic Social Services, refelcting the gospel & the social teachings of the Catholic Church, will promote human dignity, equality, participation and respect for human life, through the provision of services that support families and individuals on their life journeys.


    CRS exists to support people from refugee and migrant backgrounds living in Ōtautahi/Christchurch to settle successfully in Aotearoa/New Zealand by providing a range of professional services that build on strengths to promote wellbeing and resilience.


    “We recognize the settlement journey in Aotearoa/New Zealand context, committed to the Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We value the provision of a professional service delivered in a holistic, culturally responsive and collaborative way, with an emphasis on social justice which respects individual and community identity.”

    Bilingual Community Work

    Providing cultural, linguistic and community-based support to clients from refugee backgrounds and staff across all areas of service delivery.

    Social Work

    A social work response for resettlement and acculturation issues, mental health and family violence.

    Health Promotion

    Improving social inclusion, wellbeing and positive health practices for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

    Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Counselling

    Providing counselling for people from CALD backgrounds, either in their mother tongue, or through an interpreter.

    Psychosocial and Mental Health Support

    For people affected by the 15 March mosque attacks.

    Interpreters are also contracted on an as-needed basis for the cultural and linguistic needs not provided for by the Bilingual Community Workers.

  • What We Do

    Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust provides free social and community services that strengthen the wellbeing of whānau, rangatahi and tamariki. Our commitment is to supporting North Canterbury families and communities to thrive.

    Nāu te rourou nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi. With your contributions and mine our people will thrive.

    Unsure who to contact?
    If you’re not sure which service is right for you? Get in touch with us.

    Contact Us

  • Nova is a leading New Zealand NGO and Social Enterprise making life better for those affected by alcohol, drugs and other life challenges.

    Our skilled and compassionate people work closely with service users, their whānau, families and communities, to change lives. Nova Trust currently manages three distinct services. The Trust is based in Canterbury and operates services, from its main site, in a rural setting on the outskirts of Christchurch. We work with both male and female adult service-users, who can be referred from across Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Affordable Professional Counselling

    Petersgate Counselling Centre is a charitable trust that was established in 1996 to make professional counselling affordable to everyone.

    How we can help

    Depression, Anxiety, Relationship, Anger, Grief, Self-esteem and Stress

    People are provided with practical and motivational supports that enable them develop the skills they need to move on, thrive and improve the quality of their lives.

    From our years of experience, we know that every individual's journey to a life of meaning and purpose is a very personal one, which is why we are committed to helping each individual achieve their own unique goals. Our counselling is delivered in ways that are flexible and offer genuine choice and control.

    Our counsellors help these people achieve positive change in their lives by supporting them to develop their own insight into their problems and then empowering people by giving them the skills to lead happier and more fulfilling lives and to participate more fully in their communities.

    This then:

    • Lowers psychological defenses and emotional flooding

    • Increases self-esteem and motivation

    • Improves mood states, confidence, relationships and focus at work

    • Introduces a more balanced lifestyle

    • Develops a positive attitude

  • An eating disorder is a mental illness. However, unlike most mental illnesses they have a strong physical component and the effects of the eating disorder can have serious consequences on the body. Having a mental illness does not mean you will always have it, people can and do recover from eating disorders

  • The Hope Community Trust was established in 2010 with the dream of having a Hub where people could go to access practical, emotional and spiritual support.

    We believe in the power of relationships.
    We believe that every person should be valued, have dignity, be respected
    and accepted no matter their background , religion, culture or life circumstances. We do this by providing a wraparound care service and creating a place of connection and community where every person can contribute and belong.

    The Hope Community Trust is a registered charitable entity under the terms of the Charities Act 2005.

    The Hope Community Trust runs a professional counselling service in which
    we aim to provide quality outcomes whilst removing barriers to accessing help with a wide range of issues.

    All you need to do is contact us and we will meet with you to talk about how we can help you. 

    At this time, you can work out which of the counsellors may best suit you, what the cost will be, who has referred you and what goals you have. 
    Our service is confidential, and all information collected is securely stored.


Purapura Whetu Trust


Nōku Te Ao