Purapura Whetu Trust

Purapura Whetū we have a range of services catering to your mental wellbeing.

  • WHANAUNGATANGA /Relationships

    ŨKAIPO/ The place you call home

    MATAURANGA MÃORI/ Maori World View

  • Our experienced team of nurses, social workers, counsellors and community support workers are available to support you through our free helpline.

    Monday - Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm

    0800 4 WHETU (0800 4 94388)

    We can:

    • Provide mental health and wellbeing advice and support

    • Provide confidential phone or online assessment, counselling and support for adults, youth and children

    • Provide connection to a GP or other health providers

    • Provide parenting support and advice

    • Provide information on current resources/entitlements from government departments. i.e. WINZ

    • Connect you with cultural advisors regarding tikanga and protocols due to COVID-19.

    We may be able to help with:

    • Education

    • Medication

    • Food

    • Household and Heating

    • Finances and Employment

    • Social Connection


He Kete

  • 18+ years old

  • Women in Aftercare community residence and programmes

  • Referrals through Department of Corrections

  • Free service

Support for women in Aftercare community residence and programmes.


  • 18+ years old

  • Christchurch Women's Prison ITP & Christchurch Men's Prison DTP

  • Referrals through Department of Corrections

  • Free service

Support at Christchurch Women's Prison ITP (Intensive Treatment Programme) and Christchurch Men's Prison DTP (Drug Treatment Programme).

Mana Ake

  • School Years 1-8

  • Specific Schools in Canterbury

  • Entry pathway is through referral by the child's school

  • Free service

Mana Ake - Stronger for Tomorrow was established in March 2018 to promote wellbeing and positive mental health for children in school years 1-8 across Canterbury.

The initiative aims to provide early intervention and support for teachers, families and whānau when children are experiencing ongoing issues that impact their wellbeing. Kaimahi can support individual children and groups of children as well as provide advice, guidance and support for teachers and parents/whānau.

Mana Ake kaimahi are employed by 13 non-government organisations including Purapura Whetu who make up the provider network. Kaimahi have a diverse range of skills and include psychologists, social workers, whānau ora kaimahi, counsellors and youth workers.

Our experienced team of nurses, social workers, counsellors and community support workers are available to support you through our free helpline.

Monday - Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm

0800 4 WHETU (0800 4 94388)

We can:

  • Provide mental health and wellbeing advice and support

  • Provide confidential phone or online assessment, counselling and support for adults, youth and children

  • Provide connection to a GP or other health providers

  • Provide parenting support and advice

  • Provide information on current resources/entitlements from government departments. i.e. WINZ

  • Connect you with cultural advisors regarding tikanga and protocols due to COVID-19.

We may be able to help with:

  • Education

  • Medication

  • Food

  • Household and Heating

  • Finances and Employment

  • Social Connection


Mana Ake - Stronger for Tomorrow


Counselling - extra listings