Ti Wana

Tiriwā Hauora.
Tiriwā Hauora listings connect whānau with health providers, community support, and well-being services, making it easy to find the right support.
Tautoko Hauroa
Tautoko Hauora is a service that provides support to individuals who are either not enrolled in a general practice or who are enrolled but not accessing their general practice teams as frequently as required.
Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust
Brain injury affects different people in different ways but often it will have life-changing impacts. We are a local, independent charity who work to equip people to find new pathways through life after a brain, spinal, or other complex injury.
Kanohi ki te Kanohi Consultancy
Kanohi ki te Kanohi collaborates with people and organisations that are seeking to create their own change.
Te Roopu Taurima
Te Roopu Taurima provides inclusive support to individuals with intellectual impairments across New Zealand, based on kaupapa Māori values. Our services are open to people of all ethnicities, and we are committed to providing high-quality care that fosters independence and community integration.
Emerge Aotearoa - Ka Puta Ka Ora
We support the oranga (holistic wellbeing) of tāngata whaiora and whānau across Aotearoa.