Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust

“ Whakatauki” Or an short description about who they are”

  • Our Values - Ā Mātou Uara

    Tiaki tātou

    We care; we work with empathy and compassion

    Ko tātou whakaute

    We are respectful; we value and appreciate the people and environment we work within

    Ko tātou whakakotahi

    We are inclusive; we work as a team encouraging collaboration

    Ia tātou ia rawe i te reira tika

    We do it right; we use knowledge, education and communication to support us in our work

  • Community Rehabilitation and Assessment Services

    Tel: (03) 335 0541

    501 Brougham Street, Christchurch, 8023;

    Postal address: 279 Ilam Road, Burnside, Christchurch 8053

    Residential living

    Tel: (03) 351 6047

    Reconnect -Living My Life Service

    Tel: (03) 335 0541

    279 Ilam Road, Christchurch 8053

    Timaru office

    Community Trust House, 27 Strathallan St, Timaru 7910


Brain injury affects different people in different ways but often it will have life-changing impacts. We are a local, independent charity who work to equip people to find new pathways through life after a brain, spinal, or other complex injury.

You and your Whānau

Living with a brain injury can mean even basic thoughts and everyday actions are difficult. Their impact can be life-changing, far-reaching and affect more than just one person. That’s why we’re here – to help people with a brain injury and their whānau and friends find new pathways to achieve independence, inclusion and quality of life.

What is a brain injury

Brain injury is often the result of external force to the head and can affect a person’s cognitive, behavioural, emotional and physical abilities. Effects can be temporary or permanent and vary in their level of seriousness.

Learn more about the impacts

We can help you

We specialise in the assessment, rehabilitation and support of those impacted by brain injury. There’s no one size fits all diagnosis or treatment so we provide a full continuum of integrated services when and where they are needed.

See what we do

Our skilled team work together to provide an integrated approach to rehabilitation and recovery.

We help people with a brain injury and their whānau find new pathways to independence, inclusion and quality of life. Find out how we can help you.

Get in touch

Our services

We provide a full continuum of integrated services when and where they are needed. We are the only providers like this in the South Island. Our team is made up of 220 specialised staff, our interdisciplinary team includes speech language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, dietitians and social workers who work together to provide an integrated approach to rehabilitation and recovery.


We provide a number of specialist rehabilitation services for clients in the community to help them achieve independence, inclusion and quality of life.

How we help


At all stages throughout recovery and as people continue through life, we support them with specialist assessments and modifications for mobility and living. As supporters of people with disabilities, these services also extend to clients with spinal and other complex injuries.

Learn more

Residential living

For individuals who require constant supervision and support to achieve independence, inclusion and quality of life, we offer long term residential living solutions at our home in Ilam, Christchurch, and other small group options in the wider community. We also offer respite care.

Learn more

Group programmes

At Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust, we facilitate a number of helpful group programmes.

Learn more


Belfast Community Network


Yellow Brick Road - Te Wahapūahoaho