Christchurch City Mission - Te Whare Mihana ki Ōtautahi

The Christchurch City Mission is a social service agency working towards a just society.

  • Respect - Whakaute: we value others and their contributions

    Integrity - Tapatahi: we do the right thing (even when no one is watching)

    Inclusion - Whakauru: we value diversity and cultural identity

    Empathy: Manaakitanga: we stand in the shoes of others (compassion for a person)

    Teamwork/collaboration - Mahi tahi: we’ve got each other’s backs

  • Open Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5.00pm.

    Phone: 03 365 0635 or 0800 787 855

    City Mission Op Shop hours 10am-4pm. Phone: 03 3650 633

    To book a furniture collection or for other Op Shop enquiries please fill in the enquiry form here.



Guided by the values of the Gospel and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we work in preventative ways and in response to crisis, to walk alongside and advocate for those who need our support, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or belief.

The Christchurch City Mission was launched in 1929 when a few caring volunteers handed bowls of stew to unemployed men at the beginning of the Great Depression. Now we are a social service agency that positively impacts on the lives of 60,000 people a year through our wide range of services.

The Mission helps anyone who needs it regardless of their circumstances. We take on the hardest cases with love and optimism. While our emergency care is vital we also provide much more than that. Through education and training we help struggling people re-join society and gain the self-esteem and happiness that comes from work, independence and permanent housing.

We have seen people’s lives transform with our support and believe everyone should have the opportunity of a second chance.

Our headquarters at 275 - 276 Hereford St offers services that include: a Foodbank; learning and development programmes for men and women; emergency accommodation for men and women; a residential detox unit; a social worker hub, addiction counsellors, budget adviser, and a medical unit.

Vision - Whakakitenga

“Ko te tika o te hapori me te oranga i roto i tō tātou hapori”

Enhanced social equity and wellbeing within our community.

Mission - Moemoeā

The Christchurch City Mission is a social service agency working towards a just society. Guided by the values of the Gospel and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we work in preventative ways and in response to crisis, to walk alongside and advocate for those who need our support, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or belief.

  • here are 2 methods of accessing food from Christchurch City Mission; a pre-packed parcel or a shop through the self-serve foodbank - Pou Manaaki.

    Both these methods require an appointment which can be organised by phoning 03 365 0635 or 0800 787 855.

    Our Foodbank Assessors will do a brief assessment and clients will be given a day and time to come in and collect a pre-packed parcel or do a shop through the self-serve foodbank, which is based on a point system. Photo ID and proof of address will be required on collection.

    Food parcel allocation will be issued once every seven weeks.

    An appointment with a financial mentor will need to happen for authorisation of ongoing food parcels.

    External agencies will continue to email a referral through to the foodbank to make a booking for a pre-packed parcel. Email:

    All food parcel pick-ups and Pou Manaaki shops must have a pre-booked appointment time.

    Hours of opening

    Pre-packed parcel collection hours: Monday - Friday 9:30 - 10:30am and 1:30 - 2:30pm.

    Self-serve Pou Manaaki collection hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 3pm

  • We are proud to lead Christchurch’s efforts to deal with homelessness. Every night of the year we offer warm, safe beds to Christchurch people who have nowhere else to go. We have about 15 emergency beds for men, 12 for women, and we also give them meals.

    We also have our newly opened Whakaora Kāinga transitional housing, which is communal living transitional housing designed to provide a step towards stable housing for the homeless and people living in emergency accommodation.

    Our Outreach team’s social workers work with people sleeping rough on the streets to look after them and help them into housing. Our emergency accommodation is often the first step to regaining hope.

    We link our people into all our different services to help get their lives back on track.

  • The Alcohol and Other Drug services at the Christchurch City Mission are responsive to the needs of clients who present with alcohol and drug and co-existing mental health conditions wanting to make changes in their substance misuse.

    The City Mission provides residential and home-based detoxification, individual youth and adult counselling, a women’s day programme, community mental health nurse support, and supported accommodation in a community setting.

    Withdrawal Management

    This service offers people the opportunity to detox at home or in other community settings. Our specialist withdrawal management nurses work with the client’s own general practitioner.

    For more information contact:
    Phone: 027 5320580
    Phone: 027 5273918

    Youth and Adult

    Alcohol and Other Drug Service

    People over the age of 13 years are offered counselling and case management in order to reduce the harm caused by their alcohol or other substance misuse. Assessment and referral to residential or other outpatient alcohol and drug services is provided if required.

    For more information contact:
    Phone: 027 5787791


Christchurch Collective for the Homeless Charitable Trust 


Cholmondeley Children’s centre