Familial Trust

Because Families Matter


We provide support to family/whānau who are impacted by a family members misuse of alcohol and drugs.

At our service, you will find somebody who understands the path you are walking, as we have lived experience.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Face to face support
Peer Support Groups
Advocacy & Peer Support
Youth Work support
Children & Youth Programmes
Educational Groups
Educational Workshops

  • Every Tuesday

    1:00-2:00pm -Adult peer support

    4:00-5:00pm -Parents supporting parents-STAR group

    Every Wednesday

    5:00-6:00pm- Adult peer support

    Held at Christchurch central services 55-58 Ferry Road

    EVERY Thursday

    4:00-5:30 - Parents supporting parents -ROCKS group

    Night Appointments-Wednesday


    Held at Christchurch central services 55-58 Ferry Road

    Location: Familial Trust - Group Room

    • A safe and confidential environment to be supported by others who understand.

    • To be able to attend the groups. Please book a one to one appointment with a kaimahi to register.

    • Parents supporting parents - a group for parents who have tamariki attending our STAR and ROCKS programmes.

      This will be a facilitated group by one of our peer support kaimahi each week.

  • This is not a therapy group, this is fun!

    School term time: Thursdays
    4.00pm - 5.30pm

    Age Groups:  
    7-12 years old

    Through attending R.O.C.K.S group each week and participating in a variety of fun activities children learn

    Safety boundaries and routines, 

    It is okay to say no

    They are not alone

    Cost: Free

    * Familial Trust Youth Programmes are made possible with support from RATA Foundation and individual donations.

    Rules & Agreement

    We have two rules at ROCKS and these are in place to ensure the children’s safety.
    1) No violence
    2) No leaving the premises without an adult

    We also have a group code of conduct that all group leaders and children attending agree to. *Any act of violence will result in the child responsible being removed from the group for that week. They are welcomed back the following week on a clean-slate basis.

    This is not a therapy group
    This Is Fun!

    • Safety

    • Boundaries and routines

    • It’s okay to say no

    • That they’re not alone

    • Build self-esteem

    • Trust

    • Sharing

    • Social skills

    • Positive modelling of behaviour through leaders


      • Children are affected by another family members misuse of Alochol and drug misuse

      • Children are willing and wanting to attend the group or withheld as a punishment by parents

      • Parents or caregivers must have linked in with the Familial Trust

    For more information or to enrol your children please contact:

    PHONE: (03) 981 1093
    EMAIL: info@familialtrust.org

  • S.T.A.R Programme

    The S.T.A.R programme (Starting Totally Awesome Recovery) is designed for children who are living with the effects of Alcohol and drug misuse.

    Children will experience a safe and fun environment

    • To connect with other children

    • They will be introduced to healthy living skills.

    • The identification and expression of feelings

    • A variety of problem solving, coping and self-care strategies

    • Exercises designed to build self-esteem, self-worth and resilience.

      The S.T.A.R Programme features a variety of activities including art, games, music, movement, role plays and stories. Through participating in this programme children also learn that they are not alone – other children are experiencing similar issues.


    5-7 Years old

    Runs during term time 4-5 Tuesdays 

    Cost: Free

    * Familial Trust Youth Programmes are made possible with support from RATA Foundation and individual donations.


    • Children are affected by another family members misuse of alcohol and drugs

    • Children are willing and wanting into attend the programme

    • Parents or caregivers must have linked in with the Familial Trust

    • All information required is provided to Familial Trust before the programme commences.

    Topic covered include:

    It’s Not My Fault
    All My Feelings Are Ok
    Taking Care Of Me
    I Am Special
    Celebrate Me


    Youth Development Coordinator
    Familial Trust Peer Support Workers


    Familial Trust provides a weekly Children’s Group – R.O.C.K.S - for young people affected by a family member’s misuse of Alcohol and Drug misuse.
    This is not a therapy group – this is a fun group – where children can come along and be playful in a safe and caring environment.
    This is run on Thursday during the school terms from 4pm – 5:30pm.

    For more information about the S.T.A.R Programme please contact us

    PH: (03) 981 1093

  • DISCOVERY Programme

    The Discovery Programme is designed for young people aged 13 -16 years old.

    Over eight weeks Wedsnesday 4:00-5:30pm

    This programme aims to intentionally weave connections together in a safe space across a variety of topics.

    Participants are given the opportunity to explore their strengths and struggles in an environment where they are connected, empowered and encouraged.

    The programme…

    Runs during the school terms for two hours a week. It is expected that participants will attend all sessions to get the most from the programme.

    Cost: Free

    * Familial Trust Youth Programmes are made possible with support from RATA Foundation and individual donations.


    • Aged between 13 and 16

    • Affected by another family members Misuse of alcohol and drug misuse

    • Wanting and willing to participate by choice

    Topics covered include…

    Impact of alcohol and drug misuse
    Belief Systems
    Body Image
    Self -Care

    Self Esteem
    Relationships Boundaries
    Problem Solving

    Facilitated by

    Programme Co ordinator and Peer support Kaimahi

Our staff, board and volunteers understand the impact alcohol and drug misuse has on whānau.

We want to
empower you
to make lasting changes
for the future.


Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand


Christchurch Central Service - Tūhauora