New Zealand Spinal Trust - Te Tarahiti Manaaki Tuanui
Supporting Positive Futures
Burwood Hospital
300 Burwood Road
Private Bag 4708
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand+64 3 383 6881
At the NZST, our mission is to empower people with spinal cord impairments and their whānau to embrace positive futures. We provide support and information services across New Zealand to help people overcome challenges, create strong networks, and pursue opportunities following their spinal impairment.
New to SCI
Helpful information for recently impaired spinal people and their Whānau and families.
I want to help
Learn about volunteer opportunities and ways to contribute
I need information
Visit our Online Store for books and other products. Ask Dr. B for help and advice on the latest research, as well as useful resources.
How do I?
Learn to drive, get back to work, get support, travel tips, contact us about those important questions
Peer and Whānau support
There’s nothing quite like talking with someone who understands what you are going through.
Finding yourself unexpectedly lying in a hospital bed, with a ton of questions in your head … will I be able to walk? … work? … travel? … be independent? That’s a truly life changing moment.
It can be daunting, overwhelming, frightening – for you and your whanau. It will also be the start of a new journey – a life that is different, but not inherently bad. With support from people who truly understand, someone with a Spinal Cord Impairment (SCI) can learn to meet challenges and embrace new opportunities, participate fully in their community and squeeze every drop out of a life that can be well lived.
Our Peer and Whānau Support team truly understand – they’ve been on their own SCI journeys.
In our team you’ll find someone you can confide in and lean on. Someone with access to a large network of experienced, accomplished, and supportive people to help you navigate the bumpy spinal impairment road.
And because we understand that the person with the SCI has quite a different journey to those living with them, we provide different supports:
Peer Support – Andrew, Brett, Jazz, Josh, Meika and Michele all have their own lived experience in a wheelchair;
Community Peer & Whānau Support – Andrew, Brett and Meika coordinate a team with their own lived experience based in communities throughout New Zealand
Whānau Support – Kim has a lived experience supporting a family member who’s in a wheelchair.
All are based at Burwood Spinal Unit and work closely together to ensure you and your family receive as much support and encouragement and sometimes ‘tea and sympathy’ as you need to get back on track.
Click here to Connect with the Peer & Whānau Support Team now