Christchurch Methodist Mission
We provide a voice for people who need one, support for those in need and a home to whānau without one
Tūmanako / Hope – believing that change is possible
Whakaute / Respect for people – and every person’s unique value
Hei kaikōrero mō te tika me te mana taurite / Social Justice – inequality, unfairness and exclusion will be challenged
Ngākau pono / Integrity – actions speak louder than words
Mahi tahi / Partnership – strength is found in cooperation
Whakamana / Empowerment – recognising and enhancing the mana in all people
Kaitiakitanga / Protection – responding to the challenges of climate change
The Christchurch Methodist Mission is committed to breaking cycles of injustice that exist in society and to instead promoting cycles of hope. We do so by addressing the causes and effects of social and economic disparity and exclusion. We seek to expand public debate on important social issues of our time, in order to build a socially just and inclusive society in which all people flourish.
Who We Are
The Christchurch Methodist Mission has been meeting the needs of children, adults and older people for over 80 years. In that time, the support services we provide have developed and grown to meet the changing needs of our evolving community. We are now one of the largest social service providers in Canterbury. In recent years, we've extended our services to the Upper South Island and West Coast. Our long history of consistent and dedicated services means the Christchurch Methodist Mission is a trusted and well-known provider of quality social service care.
The Christchurch Methodist Mission makes a difference in the lives of over two thousand people every year, often on a daily basis. Through the generosity of donors and funders we provide services that help those in need and enable our clients to grow in confidence and become better able to control the direction of their lives, irrespective of age, ethnicity or religion. We work with the youngest members of our community at Aratupu Preschool & Whānau Hub through to the oldest at WesleyCare Hospital. It's something we've done for over 80 years. Supporting families in need and helping build resilient and responsive communities is our kaupapa.
He tōpūtanga e ngākaunui ana ki te Tiriti o Waitangi
(A Treaty committed organisation) We are committed to working together as Māori and Pakeha as part of Te Hāhi Weteriana’s 40 year bi-cultural journey
Tō tātou whāinga (Our Mission)
To promote and enhance the dignity of all people through: Providing compassionate care, support and empowerment of those most vulnerable in our community Building communities, neighbourhoods and a wider society that are fair and inclusive Challenging injustice and working for social transformation.
Tō tātou kaupapa (Our Approach)
Work together as Māori and Pakeha, committed to a bi-cultural journey Be radical and brave in our advocacy for social transformation Prioritise those who are most vulnerable Work where we can add value, collaborating and working in partnership with others to optimise outcomes Use evidence-based approaches and build quality assurance into all of our work Be flexible, explore and implement innovative and creative responses Ensure that CMM is financially and environmentally sustainable
CMM's early childhood education centre is Aratupu Preschool & Whānau Hub, which provides high-quality affordable early childhood education for children aged up to six. Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of whānau in our community and focuses on building strong and supportive relationships.
Our point of difference lies with the whānau support worker, an on-site social worker ready to help resolve issues with which whānau need support. We received a glowing ERO report at our last appraisal. We're located at 97 Harewood Road in Papanui.
Aratupu offers:
Nurturing and caring relations
Respect and recognition that all children are individuals within a wider whānau
An environment that fosters children’s independence, in which children know they have a place
Opportunities for physical activity, healthy eating and the chance to develop self care skills
Strong emphasis on Māori culture and language
We offer 20 hours free for 3 and 4 year olds and provide a cooked lunch for all children in the preschool. In addition, Aratupu offers a network of services for families, including: an on-site whānau support worker, community health worker, a whānau room, parenting courses, child and parent groups, contracted skilled facilitators, and access to all Christchurch Methodist Mission services.
Tamariki are precious and deserve the best of care. The Christchurch Methodist Mission makes a huge difference in the lives of children and young people in schools and communities every day. Our social workers, child psychologists, group workers and teachers are skilled in responding to a range of needs within the community. They work alongside tamariki in places those children feel most comfortable, such as their schools or homes.
Individual support for children and their whānau
Our social workers and psychologists work individually with children and young people who have experienced trauma and many changes in their lives, or who are struggling in school or in the community. Referrals through an Oranga Tamariki social worker only.
Children's Group Programmes
ACES is a six-week programme for children aged 7-11, supporting them to share experiences and explore new ways to cope with the separation of their parents. ACES uses a mixture of games, creative activities and focused discussions to help children understand their feelings and the different circumstances around parental separation.
Wise-Up is an eight-session life skills programme for 8-10 year olds, supporting children to recognise feelings and emotions, and to explore new and different ways of dealing with them. Children also learn about themselves, what makes them special as well as building confidence while focusing on personal strengths. Workshops will be offered to support and inform caregivers of the children attending the programme. Wise-Up is a children's life skills group programme to build confidence, cope with worry, build self-esteem, develop social skills, manage emotions and keep themselves safe. Wise-Up runs every term in different schools and community venues around Christchurch.
Mana Ake
CMM is pleased to be part of Mana Ake (Stronger Tomorrow), the Canterbury primary schools’ wellbeing programme. Following the Canterbury earthquakes, a holistic approach to wellbeing and care was called for. By putting kaimahi (wellbeing workers) into schools for one-on-one and group sessions, children can learn to deal with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Over 7000 tamariki have benefitted from the programme. In response to the success of the scheme, the Government announced in April 2021 that it would extend the service to five other district health boards.
The Christchurch Methodist Mission offers a range of support services for adults, parents, and whānau, which can help address a range of needs. Please see if any of the following can be of assistance.
Building Financial Capacity Our financial mentors will work with you to develop a money plan that fits your situation and personal goals. Mentors also provide clients advocacy and support in their relations with organisations, such as Work and Income, banks, power companies, debt collection agencies and creditors. We can meet you in your home or in a neutral environment. We also offer Manage Your Money workshops for groups.
Always wanted to improve your money-saving skills? Our Incentive Saver programme can help you develop savings habits by matching dollar for dollar savings up to $500. Matched money is paid directly to organisations for education, health and wellbeing related costs for you or your whānau. Participation in the Incentive Saver programme involves four sessions with a financial mentor to support you to achieve your own savings goals.
Social Workers and Psychologists
Our social workers and child & family psychologists provide home-based services to families needing assistance with parenting, managing children's challenging behaviour and family relationships. This includes working alongside foster carers, kin caregivers and others dealing with the complexities of looking after other people's children. They also work individually with children and young people who have experienced trauma and many changes in their lives, or who are struggling in school or the community. We also offer parent education sessions for parents of children diagnosed with ADHD. Referrals through an Oranga Tamariki social worker or a CAF case manager.
Group Programmes
Our group programmes offer personal growth and development in a friendly and informal setting. For more information on our courses or to book, please get in touch.
Parent Works
ParentWorks is a two-stage group and homebased programme for parents who have children (0-13 years) who are in care or where there are acknowledged care and protection concerns. Referrals through an Oranga Tamariki social worker.
Woman Wise
Women should have the confidence to be all they can be. Woman Wise is a free course that helps women look ahead and change negative thought patterns and self-talk. By learning how to live with more self-belief, they can discover their full potential and fulfill life, employment and relationship goals. Woman Wise is run on request, with a minimum number of participants. We can run Woman Wise for your organisation, at a cost.
Men on a Mission
Loneliness and difficulties opening up can be hard for men. Men on a Mission is a seven-week group programme that helps men develop strengths and skills, discuss issues and overcome isolation, by helping men with a range of services, activities, work or training opportunities. It includes basic cooking instruction, communication, life-skills and self-care information, guest speakers and outdoor activities. Men on a Mission is run in conjunction with The Salvation Army Hope Centre. This course is run during the second and fourth terms of the school year.
The Christchurch Methodist Mission makes a difference in the lives of tamariki, rangatahi and whānau in schools and communities. Our Wellbeing and Community Response teams are skilled in responding to a range of needs within the community. They work alongside people in places they feel most comfortable, be it their schools, homes or elsewhere. In Ōtautahi Christchurch, we run dedicated projects in East Christchurch, in an effort to promote community and encourage resilience in these lower socio-economic areas.
You Matter to Us
Crime can be reduced and neighbourhoods made safer. You Matter to Us has proved it. This community initiative by CMM and other organisations has cut crime and police call-outs and increased the sense of belonging in two streets in the suburb of Linwood disproportionately affected by crime and violence. Whānau who are part of You Matter to Us live in those streets. You Matter To Us won the 2018 NZ Police ‘Evidence Based Problem-Oriented’ Policing Award. It became New Zealand’s entry for the Herman Goldstein Award, a prestigious award that recognises outstanding policing around the world, and was then named one of five global finalists.
New Brighton
New Brighton is a lively seaside community in Christchurch. CMM works with the New Brighton Union Parish to improve the lives of vulnerable whānau and older people in the New Brighton area. Common themes that are talked about are social isolation, mental health, housing and not knowing to go where for help. CMM also works alongside other organisations in New Brighton to support the residents of New Brighton to build stronger and more resilient communities.
The Blanket Bank
The Blanket Bank is a project of giving and receiving, providing free blankets and bedding for individuals and whānau. Many homes in Ōtautahi are still insufficiently insulated and the costs of heating and bedding are hard for many whānau to manage. We are committed to supporting anyone who can benefit from receiving a package from the Blanket Bank - the only criteria for accessing the service is a need for warm bedding. You can play an important part in this community initiative as we rely on donations from the general public to maintain stock levels of blankets and bedding!
Pasifika Mamas Support Group
After identifying a need for more support for Pasifika mums in the community, our Community Team established a Pasifika Mamas group that provides support and education for new mamas, hapū mamas and pepes. The group hosts regular meetings and events where all families with pacific members are welcome. For more information and to join their growing online community click here.
Tautoko Hauora
The Tautoko Hauora (Supporting Health) service is funded by Pegasus Health and aims to provide support to individuals who may not be enrolled in a general practice or who may not access their primary healthcare teams as often as needed. Kaitautoko (support workers) work with Māori, Pasifika, CALD, Youth, Rainbow, low income, and those with disabilities to help them resolve some of the barriers that have made healthcare inaccessible.
Warm, affordable and secure housing is a human right. The Christchurch Methodist Mission is committed to providing good rental accommodation to those who need it most and ensuring tenants get the support they require. We are one of Christchurch's largest community housing providers. Our housing and homelessness support services now extend to the West Coast and the upper South Island. Among our services is social housing, transitional housing, emergency housing support, Sustaining Tenancies and Housing First
Social Housing
We own 112 homes and lease 23 for long term housing for whānau and older people in Christchurch. In addition, we provide social support to our whānau so they can feel safe, secure and gain the confidence and skills needed to turn their new houses into homes. Our tenancy managers and social workers facilitate support to the whānau in our houses. Tenants can also access wider social support offered by CMM. Whānau must be on the Government’s Social Housing Register to be eligible for our long-term housing and tenants are eligible to pay income-related rent, which amounts to about a quarter of their income. Our most recent - and largest - community housing development was opened in the Christchurch suburb of Richmond in December 2020. In addition to enjoying life in refurbished houses on a spacious section, the 15 whānau are supported by a full-time Community Development worker.
We do not hold a waiting list as all our referrals for social housing come from Work and Income.
Transitional Housing and Emergency Housing Support
A range of transitional housing, which includes social support, is also provided in Christchurch and Blenheim for individuals and families. At any one time, CMM supports 44 households in Blenheim and 20 households in Christchurch until lasting and secure houses can be found.
In addition, up to 80 households at any time are supported in emergency accommodation in Blenheim, Nelson and the West Coast.
Referrals for transitional housing and emergency housing support are through Work and Income only.
Sustaining Tenancies
Our Sustaining Tenancies team support individuals and whānau to address issues that put their tenancies at risk, with the goal of keeping people in their homes and preventing the spiral into homelessness. Depending on their needs, plans are written that could entail advocacy with landlords, support to navigate social and health services, and referrals to budgeting services and life skills coaching. The service involves collaboration with a wide-spectrum of organisations. Whānau lead the development of these plans. CMM Sustaining Tenancies services are available in Christchurch and Blenheim.
For referral information please contact:
027 605 6151Blenheim
027 224 5854Click the links below to download our Sustaining Tenancies Christchurch Guidelines and Referral Form:
Sustaining Tenancies Referral Form
Sustaining Tenancies Referral Guidelines
Housing First
We are pleased to lead the Housing First initiative in Ōtautahi. The purpose of Housing First is to house and support people who have been homeless for at least a year or several times over the last three years. Its goal is to reduce instances of homelessness in Ōtautahi to nothing more than rare, brief and non-recurring. The Christchurch Methodist Mission works in collaboration with five other Christchurch agencies on Housing First Ōtautahi. Since June 2018, Housing First Ōtautahi has housed over 200 people who have experienced long-term homelessness.
The Christchurch Methodist Mission is also the lead organisation for Housing First Blenheim, a town with a significant housing problem. The Government's social housing register records 225 applicants in Marlborough at the end of September 2021 as urgently needing housing. The number of households on the social housing register in Marlborough has tripled in the last three years with just over half needing one-bedroom homes.
Housing First Ōtautahi
Nicola Fleming
0800 43 2424
nicolaf@housingfirstchristchurch.nzHousing First Blenheim
0800 432 536Lease your rental property with us
We're looking for properties to provide transitional housing for families and young people. There are many benefits to leasing your property with us, including guaranteed rent and zero management fees. Click here for more information.
The Christchurch Methodist Mission makes a difference in the lives of hundreds of older persons every year. We provide a range of independent, supported and hospital-level care for older people.
WesleyCare provides care to people who need to move from their own home to a more supportive environment. The range of care spans rest home and hospital level care through to respite and palliative care.
Wesley Village
Wesley Village, for tenants aged over 60, provides affordable rental accommodation in a village environment set on beautiful grounds in Papanui. It comprises 26 bedsits, 12 one-bedroom villas, and 19 one-bedroom apartments. A feature of the complex is the Falkingham Centre, which is often used for Village activities and is available for hire. Social work support and chaplaincy is available to Village tenants.
From July 2024 you must be on the Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD) Public Housing Register to be offered accommodation at Wesley Village. CMM no longer holds a waitlist or takes applications. We are doing this so we can allocate homes to people most in need.
You can find out more about the Public Housing Register here. You can apply to get on the Public Housing Register by calling Work and Income, Senior Services on 0800 552 002. If you are accepted onto the Public Housing Register, you may be offered accommodation by CMM, or another housing provider.Click here to download our information sheet about this process.
Once you are on the Public Housing Register you can call us to discuss your details. Contact Ursula Mullins, Tenancy Manager, on 027 641 4392.
Whare Tiaki
Whare Tiaki is a supportive living whare (house) for kaumātua (older people) with eight independent suites. Whare Tiaki is based on a Māori health model of Te Whare Tapa Whā or the four cornerstones of Māori health - taha tinana (physical health), taha wairua (spiritual health), taha whānau (family health) and taha hinengaro (mental health). Whare Tiaki is located on the grounds of Wesley Village.
For further information, please contact or phone 027 801 5719
600 families
supported by our social services team in the last year
160 people
are currently being supported in our housing
600+ clients
helped in schools throughout Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri
38,000 bed nights
for older people at WesleyCare