Mana Tipua
Kaupapa Māori Takatāpui Rōpū
Ōtautahi Christchurch based group for Māori LGBTQIA+ young people
We are Ōtautahi Christchurch based. The location of our activities changes regularly. Check our events, instagram or facebook for information about our next session
Mana Tipua is a kaupapa Māori organisation led by takatāpui, and is the only rangatahi takatāpui focussed organisation in Waitaha. Our purpose is to tautoko (support) the hauora (health & wellbeing) and mana of rangatahi takatāpui and their whānau, including all Māori with diverse genders, sexualities, and sex characteristics to enable them to flourish in the fullness of their identity.
We seek to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes by providing opportunities for rangatahi to engage in mātauranga and tikanga Māori and taonga tuku iho practices. We provide social connection opportunities, informal education, and assist with health and wellbeing pathways. We also work to advocate, educate, develop takatāpui focussed resources, and foster collaborative opportunities.
We know kanohi ki te kanohi wānanga is important for the exchange of hā and mātauranga and have designed our programme to reflect this. Our Te Kōurunui sessions on Sundays connect rangatahi with Tohunga, Ringatoi, Ringapuoro, and other cultural experts, many of whom are takatāpui themselves. We also have a community of takatāpui pakeke and kaumātua who support the rōpū.
The ingoa Mana Tipua honours Dr. Elizabeth Kerekere’s academic and activist mahi that strengthens our whānau takatāpui community. Mana is not translatable into English but is a foundational aspect of Te Ao Māori. It is key to every aspect of life, including people, places, and things. Tipua refers to the shape shifting nature of our takatāpui whānau who move through the world in ways that are outside the Western norm - whether that’s trans or intersex people living their truth, or fluid sexualities that we have inherited from our tīpuna.
Mana Tipua was established in 2023 following a Takatāpui Taiohi Ora Hui run at Rehua Marae in by InsideOUT Koaro. Community engagement at this hui identified a need for a Te Waipounamu (South Island) based kaupapa Māori service to support - Māori aged 12-25 who are also LGBTQIA+.
Te Kōurunui
12 - 3pm most Sundays during school term time
Rangatahi Takatāpui 12-25
Te Kōurunui is our rōpū that meets on Rātapu (Sunday) - it is a space for rangatahi takatāpui (12-25), to be nourished and to thrive. The programme is a mixture of opportunities to engage in mātauranga Māori, and social whakawhanaungatanga. There’s always kai and we can help with transport. Come as you are, when you can! You do not need to know Te Reo Māori and there is no pressure to attend every week.
Te Whare Wheriko
3:30-6:30pm most Thursdays during school term time
Rangatahi Takatāpui 12-25
Te Whare Wheriko is for rangatahi takatāpui (12-25) to connect with each other, do study or homework, or just to hang out. Our kaimahi will be around for kōrero, to suggest activities, or assist with study. Occasionally, we might have an activity, guest speaker or watch a movie together. Te Whare Wheriko will flow into Te Whare Kōrero which starts at 6:30pm - you are welcome to attend both - please register for Te Whare Kōrero separately. There will be snacks available in the afternoon and a kai provided for those staying through Te Whare Kōrero
Te Whare Kōrero
6:30 - 8:30pm most Thursdays during school term time
Takatāpui of all ages
Learning te reo Māori is a journey that can help us feel connected to our whakapapa and our tuakiri (identity), and it can also feel daunting and challenging. So, Mana Tipua runs Te Whare Kōrero: an Ōtautahi based rōpū for takatāpui who are on the journey of learning and returning te reo Māori to our arero (tongues).Te Whare Kōrero is open to takatāpui of all ages, and is for all of us to learn and grow together, regardless of whether you know a little or a lot.
Noho Matariki
Monday 8 July - Wednesday 10 July 2024
Rangatahi Takatāpui 12-25
A noho marae for Rangatahi Takatāpui from around the motu to wānanga, share, and connect. Applications will be live April 2024. If you have any patai please use the contact form below.
Noho Raumati
Monday 12 January - Wednesday 16 January 2025
Rangatahi Takatāpui 12-25
A noho marae for Rangatahi Takatāpui from around the motu to wānanga, share, and connect. 13-16 January 2025; some funding available for transport thanks to Burnett Foundation Aotearoa. If you require transport, sign up by 20 November 2024; otherwise sign ups close 1 December 2024.