Nova Trust

Nova is where change happens, every day and has been supporting change since 1981.

  • Ambition
    Nova is ambitious for service-users, supporting them to reach their full potential.

    Service-users first
    Nova’s service-users & customers are at the centre of what we do; responding flexibly to their needs is our focus.

    Working with service-users, partners and other stakeholders is the preferred Nova way of working. Nova seeks to fulfil ambitions and sustain outcomes, inclusively and together.

    Nova people operate with integrity, honesty and openness.
    No question goes unanswered; no explanation is withheld.

    Nova people work responsibly and are accountable to our service-users, to each other, our communities and other stakeholders. Our service-users develop personal responsibility & accountability whilst at Nova.

    Nova actively engages its People, service-users, whanau and communities in what we do. Working together we achieve so much more, fulfil potential and sustain real change.

  • Referrals & Admissions Team

    Phone: +64 (03) 349 2053   Fax: +64 (0)3 349 2054


About Us

Nova’s vision is to change life for better, helping people affected
by alcohol, drugs and other life changes to change their lives and
fulfil their potential. Nova service-users will live better, healthier
and more independent lives. 

Nova is a leading New Zealand NGO and Social Enterprise making life better for those affected by alcohol, drugs and other life challenges.

Our skilled and compassionate people work closely with service users, their whānau, families and communities, to change lives. Nova Trust currently manages three distinct services. The Trust is based in Canterbury and operates services, from its main site, in a rural setting on the outskirts of Christchurch. We work with both male and female adult service-users, who can be referred from across Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Treatment & Recovery

    Our recovery oriented service and programme
    provides treatment, rehabilitation and supported
    accommodation for those affected by addiction

    The service is focused on recovery orientated group work and intensive case management to develop strategies to support a sustained recovery. This clinical input is combined with the opportunity to develop employment and life skills, to support daily living beyond treatment.

    The service benefits from strong collaborative partnerships which offer peer support, nursing, psychological and psychiatric input when required.

    The service seeks to support and build upon change, with comprehensive discharge and resettlement planning designed to ensure service-users leave with the necessary skills and supports required to continue their recovery.

  • Supported Treatment & Recovery

    Nova STAR is about improving the health 
    and wellbeing of individuals placed under the Substance Addiction 
    (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017

    Our Supported Treatment Centre provides services as an ‘Approved Provider’, as part of the Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017. The service is part of wider models of care operating nationally, offering a residential placement following a medical detoxification and stabilisation of health.

    The service seeks to improve the cognitive capacity of its service-users, accessing them to voluntary treatment. The service provides a brief window of opportunity to save and change lives that have become severely affected by alcohol and other drugs.

    The service offers an intensive programme incorporating cognitive remediation, occupational therapy, nursing care, medical and psychological input and regular social interaction with the wider Nova resident population and beyond. The service aims to restore a person’s capacity to make informed decisions about treatment for severe addiction, supporting them to engage in voluntary treatment.

  • Recovery Engagement Service:  Pathways into Engagement

    Nova respite offers the opportunity to re-establish or engage in recovery from addiction. A short-term and supportive, respite-type service, designed to respond to service users’ needs pre or post treatment.

    res:pite is designed for service-users who may have been in treatment and may need additional support to re-establish their recovery journey. They may have relapsed, be at risk of relapsing, or are particularly vulnerable. The service offers a safe and secure environment, re-establishing recovery-oriented routines and re-building recovery networks and ‘capital’. res:pite is also appropriate for service-users accepted for treatment, but whose progress is halted due to the availability of such treatment. The service offers the opportunity to engage in recovery-oriented activity and support, in a safe and secure environment, in preparation for longer term treatment, rehabilitation and recovery.

  • Food and Farming Social Enterprise

    Our well-established Social Enterprise is a thriving
    horticultural and farming business, which provides
    Nova service users the opportunity of developing
    employment and life skills as part of their
    treatment programme.

    The Nova Fresh enterprise provides a large array of fresh grown produce to the commercial markets, with the production process from planting to packing carried out on-site. The Nova Recovery programme and structure, operating alongside Nova Fresh, prepares service-users for resettlement and reintegration back into the community. Part of this process is the development of confidence, self-esteem and transferable skills and qualifications that enhances likely access to the labour market. 

    The building of Recovery Capital, with our service users, supports recovery beyond treatment and into better, healthier and more independent lives.

  • Native plant Nursery

    Our nursery enterprise produces an array of native plants, trees and grasses to support the re-establishment and re-development of our natural landscape. Working with commercial customers, communities and partners, Nova Natives is supporting the re-planting of Aotearoa New Zealand and the recovery of our service-users.

    Our nursery social enterprise, works alongside our Treatment and Recovery programmes, preparing service-users and tangata whai ora for life beyond treatment, through the development of life and employment skills


Odyssey House


Narcotics Anonymous - (NA)