Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa

Ngā mātanga i te hauora taera me te hauora whakawhānau.

The experts in sexual and reproductive health


Formerly Family Planning, we’re now Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa. Still New Zealand’s largest provider of sexual and reproductive health services, clinics, information, advice and education. Online or in person, on a course or in a resource – we’re here to help you make decisions about your sexual health and wellbeing.

Kei te hiahia tohutohu au - I need advice…

Should I get an STI test?How do I get emergency contraception?What should I do if I had unprotected sex?What should I know about having sex?What contraception is right for me?

Ngā ratonga - Our services

We have a range of clinical services to help you with your sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing needs.

Getting contraception

Learn about contraception, and get help choosing the best contraception for you.

Emergency contraception

The emergency contraception pill (ECP) can be taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — you can use it for up to 72 hours after sex.

Removing contraception

You can have your IUD, or implant, changed or removed, at most of our clinics.

STI testing and treatment

Get a sexually transmissible infection (STI) test — protect yourself and the people you have sex with.


Cervical screening and HPV testing

If you're aged between 25 and 69 and you have a cervix, get screened every five years.

Pregnancy testing

Get a pregnancy test, or advice if you think you're hapū or planning to become hapū.

Contraception problems

Contraception problems are any problems, unwanted symptoms, or issues that you have with your contraception.

Period problems

Period problems are physical and mental health problems related to your period.

Gynaecological problems

Health problems that affect the uterus, ovaries, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes, vulva, and other related organs.


Menopause happens when your menstrual cycle stops — often between the ages of 45-55.

HPV vaccination

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine protects you against nine types of HPV. Some of our clinics can give HPV vaccinations.

Endometrial biopsy

An endometrial biopsy is a short procedure to check the lining of your uterus for abnormal cells.


Learn to recognise the signs of fertility to avoid, or plan, a pregnancy.

Te whakamātautau waha kōpū me te whakamātautau HPV

Ko te mate pukupuku waha kōpū tētahi o ngā momo mate pukupuku e taea ai te ārai.

Te whakamātau STI me ngā maimoatanga

He tere, he ngāwari hoki te whakamātau STI hei tirotiro mena kua pāngia koe e te mate paipai (STI).

How we can help you

Our clinics are the place to come to for affordable, confidential, non-judgemental sexual and reproductive health care. There's no silly questions when it comes to talking to us. Our clinicians, and Community Health Promoters are happy to kōrero with you about even the trickiest topics

Choose a topic

This includes advice you can trust on contraception, STIs, genital health, pregnancy, periods, menopause, and more. Explore the advice topics below to find answers to your questions.

Te kimi tari hauora - Find a clinic

Talk with us — we have clinics located throughout Aotearoa providing expert advice, and care. Our client contact centre will look after your appointment needs.


Etu Pasifika Canterbury


Christchurch Sexual Health Centre